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EDIT: No one voted in time so I've edited the title to something that isn't so clunky, and chosen my desired choice out of the three. It will upload on Friday, February 9th.


Doing something a little bit different! Due to my Internet still being fritzy, the original caption I was going to upload was too large and kept timing out. So instead, I thought we'd do this.

Read the caption, and then in the comments, simply reply which choice you want to make. You can choose the salad, the cake, or refuse. Whichever choice has the most comments by 10pm CST WEDNESDAY will be what I do for Friday's caption! One vote per user, please. :)

(Please note that no votes at all means that there's no interest in this and I'll leave it as a simple food TF and likely not try something like this in the future)

So please, vote your choice in the comments! Again, I'll stop tallying votes on by 10pm CST on WEDNESDAY so that I have plenty of time to work on the follow-up!


"Oh, good morning 'honey'!" The venom laced voice of your wife, Janine, greeted you as your brain and body slowly re-activated. You blinked your eyes, wincing in pain at the brightness of the dining room of your large house that you had shared with Janine for many years. What had happened? The last thing you remembered was getting home late and being surprised that Janine had been waiting for you! And then there was a weird flash of light from her hands and...nothing until just now. You tried to move, your limbs sluggish and almost unresponsive as you realized that you were sitting at the large dining room table in one of the uncomfortable wooden chairs. But your slight movements were met with stiff resistance as you felt duct tape binding your wrists, arms, legs and ankles to the chair, and your dry mouth was covered with the sticky adhesive strip! And, to make matters even worse, you were naked!

"Mmmh! Jrrnr, lrr mrrr grrr!" You mumbled through the tape holding your lips together. What was the crazy bitch up to? God, this was EXACTLY why you were seeing some chicks on the side!

"Oh, I'm not letting you go, lover" Janine hissed again, "In fact, the only way that you're getting out of that chair is by playing a little wife game I've...cooked up" Her smile was devoid of any warmth and mirth as she walked out of the dining room and into the kitchen, and you took the time to try to wiggle against your restraints, but the tape was to thoroughly wrapped around your limbs. And in a few moments your 'dearly beloved' walked herself back into the dining room as she held two different items of food in her hands; a leafy green salad and a rich chocolate cake.

"Wrr? Jrrnr wrr arr yrrr drrrg?" You asked through the tape.

"Oh husband" Janine practically spit out the words as she set the food down on the table before making her way over to your naked form, "I really did think we had a wonderful life together. Me getting to be your little housewife, you working your job, buying this palace and all the trips we've taken together...I always thought Mother was so wrong, even if you couldn't provide me with a daughter. But I never held that against you."

'Oh god, not that hag' You think to yourself. Janine's mother, Lisette, hated you simply because you were a man, and especially because you were infertile. She'd resented you dating her daughter in college, and straight up wanted Janine to leave you once you both found out your swimmers were all duds. She wanted grandkids but if you couldn't provide them, then Janine needed to see someone else! But your wife had always protected you against her weird threats.

"But it turns out she was right. All men are just the same. You just look for a place to stick that little toy of yours..." Janine grabbed your crotch and gave it a PAINFUL squeeze, causing you to grunt in pain. Finding out you were sterile had been the start of your infidelity; you could still get it up but if you were just shooting blanks...And Janine growing more unattractive to you as you both grew older...what was the harm in sneaking around? But clearly she'd found out and this was some weird way of punishing you. You didn't know the half of it.

Janine released your testicles and clicked her heels back around to the other side of the table, "So while that barely thinking brain of yours was knocked out by my spell, I pulled who your little whores were out of your mind. If it had just been one, well, maybe I this would have been something we could work out, but two? Oh my dear, sweet LOVING man, two just means you're a greedy pig!"

Spell? What the fuck was she talking about? You sputtered a half-assed apology, more of an excuse, through the tape, but Janine's accusing glare didn't change one bit.

"Don't bother. I'll let you in on a little secret, dearest. You married a witch. One that tried to ignore her heritage, even after we went to the doctors...It's a witch's duty to further the magical bloodline with a daughter, after all, but I LOVED you THAT much! But then you just sneak off with those two...SLUTS" Janine's hateful voice cracked a bit as tears appeared in her eyes, but just as quickly as the vulnerability appeared, it vanished. "No, I never should have ignored mother. So, since you can't GIVE me a daugther, I'm going to MAKE you into one! But I think it's only fair that you get to choose..."

You simply stared at Janine. Had...had she gone fucking nuts? You watched as she picked up the cake and the salad and walked them down the table towards you until she was standing in front of your naked form.

"The salad is that little blonde stick of a barista you were fucking, Amanda" She said with a nod to the leafy green salad dotted with tomatoes. Amanda's favorite food was salad, "And this was Yvonna. Didn't know you were into big girls" Janine lifted the small slive of cake towards you. Yvonne's favotire desert was chocolate cake.

If Janine was a witch...did she really turn your side-chicks into side-dishes? Oh god, what had you gotten yourself into!?

"So here's the deal. You pick which food you want to eat, and it'll turn you into my daughter. You can either be a little blonde bimbo like the barista, or a sassy fatty like...I don't really know what the cake did for a job. I caught her at home" Janine shrugged. "Oh, and if you don't choose, I'll just absorb all three of you and go out and find a REAL man!"




Were there no votes? Completely missed this

Mr. Domino

Yeah, no one voted. Bit surprised really. Since there were no comment votes, I've gone ahead and picked an ending which will be up tomorrow.