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This image was actually part of the Cursed: Truck Stop batch of images I made for that caption. She turned out different enough that I decided to keep it to use for this caption, and both captions were more or thought of at the same time, though this one was supposed to be more 'light' and more humorous than it turned out being.

I actually went into ChatGPT and sort of spitballed some ideas for a MUCH longer story concerning this...And let me tell you, the AI and I went DARK with that story. If there's interest, I'll just copy and past it over as some bonus content.

Anyway, I've also been hooked on the Hazbin Hotel songs now that the show is out. I'm not really a huge fan of Hazbin (really love Helluva Boss, though) but they've always had INCREDIBLE and catchy songs.



 Vic was a regular at the truck stop, his brightly colored big rig recognized by all that frequented the large vehicular fueling establishment (whether they be truckers or not). They also knew his reputation; Vic drove hard, and when he pulled into truck stops he liked to drive hard...into whatever good looking woman that he would set his eyes on. And Vic was not a small man, but rather he was almost as tall as he was heavy, but the rolls under his shirt and vest hid a surprising amount of muscle. Muscle that he would sometimes use if a lot lizard decided she'd rather not take his money. What would they do, call the police on him and end up being the ones arrested? No, as loud and brash and arrogant and disgusting as Vic was, it was just better to give him a wide berth, laugh at his fould, crass humor and hoped he moved on without incident. Of course, Wendy didn't know any of this. She was just a relatively new truck driver that was pulling into the truck stop for some coffee, some food and a piss. She'd been here a few times before and they had quality stuff. The locals had even remembered her name! The tall, curly haired and a little more than what could be considered generously endowed redhead pulled her rig into the station and had been fueling up the massive truck when she'd noticed the rather large individual giving her THAT look from inside the truck stop. She avoided his stare and went back to browsing her phone until the semi-truck was topped off and ready for the long haul through the desert. Maybe...She would just skip the coffee and piss? But eventually her bladder won and she had bounced inside, her freckled face pointed away from where the leering man sat in the booth of the truck stop's diner as she made her way into the women's bathroom. She did her business and beelined out of the bathroom, grateful she had paid at the pump so that she could just get out of there. She'd get coffee and food down the line. Of course, that was the plan. But plans often didn't have much of a high survival rate once you engaged the enemy. Or the enemy engaged you.

"HEY, SUGAR!" The man's voice boomed out the truck stop door after Wendy as she quickened her pace towards her rig. All she had to do was just get in the cab and lock the doors and-

"I SAID, 'HEY SUGAR'!" The man boomed from directly behind her, and Wendy let out a gasp as a meaty paw grabbed her shoulder and spun her around in one fluid motion. And in front of her was a disgusting male specimen with a beared grin.

"What do you want?" Wendy sneered, shrugging off the man's grip.

"Well, you're just a little slice of heaven, sweetheart! Yer name's Wendy, right? Well, I'm Vic. I'm sort of the unoffical boss of the lot. Nice to meet you!" Vic stuck out his huge paw, but Wendy declared to shake it, "Oh, are ya one of them 'antisocial' broads?"

"Piss off, scumbag!" Wendy, now out of patience, flipped Vic the bird and turned for her truck once more, but another, and this time painful, grab spun her back around.

"Now now, baby. Listen, just humor me for a bit and then I'll leave you alone. Tell me, how much is it for a windy, Wendy?" Vic said with a sickening smile, pulling out a wallet that was stuffed with dollar bills.

"I'm not for fucking sale, asshole!" Wendy hissed, and wwith one fluid motion she brought her tiny foot upwards, impacting into the fat man's crotch hard enough that Vic's hand came off her shoulder. Without waiting to see the now-doubled over assaulter recover from the kick, she raced for her rig and climbed up into the cab, locking the door behind her. Which was a good thing because Vic had recovered quickly and was only a few limping steps behind her.

"YOU'LL REGRET THAT! I OWN THIS STOP! NOT A SINGLE BITCH GOES THROUGH HERE WITHOUT SUCKING ME OFF!" Vic roared, his large hands smashing against Wendy's door. Wendy just watched his heavy and broad face go red with rage and pain as Vic fumbled with the door handle before staggering away to what had to be his own rig, her eyes going wide as he fished around for a second before stomping towards her rig again with...was that a crowbar!?

"Okay shithead, you wanna take it to the next level? Then let's take it to the next level" Wendy growled as she turned away from the raging trucker and towards the small bobblehead wwitch figure that sat on her dash. She'd picked it up from some tacky store while driving down Route 66, and had discovered shortly afterwards that it was actually magical! She didn't really understand how, but once a new moon, the little witch figure had stored up enough magic that it could...change things. The first time she'd tried it, she'd transformed her used, beat-up, small and rusting first truck into the hulking, brand new beast she drove now. And there'd been a new moon since then so...Wendy tapped the witch's head and watched it bobble as it began to glow green (the first time she thought it was just glow in the dark paint), and pointed the figurine's small outstretched finger towards Vic, who was about to reach the rig.

"If he wants to get fucked so badly, make him what he desires!" Wendy said with a confident grin, and the small spring-necked idol glowed even more intensely before a burst of magic shot from the witch's finger, through the windshield, and smacked Vic straight in the chest.

Immediately Vic's body began to change. His mass shifted and redistributed across his boddy as large breasts grew from his torso as his black hair turned blonde and shot from his scalp in a waterfall of locks. His waist squeezed inwards as his hips flared outwards as he shrank by a foot and several inches, though he rose back up as his boots turned into large high heels. His worn overalls and t-shirt turned shiny and tight as they gripped his changing form, turning to leather in a flash as a brown jacket settled around his new, slimmer shoulders. The bugle in the new tight pants swelled for just a moment before it collapsed inwards, and Vic's face popped and cracked violently as it turned soft and female. And across the lot, Vic's brightly colored rig evaporated into the evening's darkness, almost as if it was never there.

The new woman, attractive and sexy, if in a bit of a trashy way, stood there looking down at herself in terror, her face flashing up to Wendy, sitting in the driver's seat above. The redhead rolled down the window and gave the new woman a truimphant look.

"I don't know anything about windies...But how much for a Quickie, Vicky?" Wendy snickered as she started up her rig andd rolled out of the lot, leaving the new woman to her new life as what she had desired; nothing more than a sexed up, horny lot lizard.



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