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Zara got that promotion...though probably not how she wanted to get it. Also the minor eidting error with a wrong name being shown with the previous page has been corrected. We're almost at the end of the chapter, and this is just a reminder that we will be going on an extended Hiatus until Chapter 3 is complete so that we don't end up in another random upload schedule thing.

And I'll have content up to replace GENIE'D! while the Hiatus is ongoing that will remain exclusive to you guys here on Patreon. I'll likely place a poll following the final page of Chapter 2 to see which of the three projects you'd like to see first.

Hopefully Chapter 3 will be worth the wait, I'm proud of the scripts I wrote and I'm really excited to see how the pages turn out!

Oh, and Happy New Year!


Author's Note: For ease, all internal dialogue will now be designated with an single asterisk * after their name to show that the character is thinking to themselves.

Panel 1

*Zara nods to herself and tries to make peace with the fact that she just transformed almost hte entire executive team, including her friend, Mitch, into interns with no memory of who they used to be*

Zara: "Ok. I'll just grab my headphones and make an excuse to go home early"

Panel 2

*Zara exits the conference room to a DRASTICALLY changed office. Whereas before, the office was in dire need of a modern update and was a sea of cubicle walls, now the floor plan is far more open, with each desk being open. It is almost as if everyone now has a corner office, each desk aligned so that their occupants can gaze out onto the glistening metropolis surrounding them. Mitch's office, however, seems to have remained in the same location, a true corner office with a door and window*

Zara: "Woah, it's all so...open! What happened to all the cubicles? Wait, where's my desk!?"

Panel 3

*Zara covers her ears as she takes her first steps out into the newly updated office space*

Zara*: "Crap, I left Sarah's egg under my desk! Man, someone's definitely going to try to talk to me if I go out there...I'm just going to have to cover my ears and-"

Panel 4

*Zara passes by Mitch's office, glancing at it with a guilty look before turning to face it entirely, her eyes going wide as she spots the new on the door plate. It now reads 'Chris Larson, Supervisor'*

Zara*: "Wait, a moment, what's that!?"

Panel 5

Zara*: "Wow...There's my name. This was Mitch's old office...Guess it's mine now..."

Panel 6

*Zara looks at the office for a long moment before grabbing the door handle and letting herself in. A feeling of guilt and regret washes over her as she moves into what was once her friend's professional workspace*

Zara*: "I've waited my whole career to move into this office. I didn't want to get it like this..."



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