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A little crossover with Whitewood in this one. There's actually one last paragraph that didn't make it in when I pasted the text over from Word...But it's fine. This works better as a narrative. Also, Midjourney gave us another sexy lady.

I SHOULD have something up for Christmas Day, though it might not be a particularly long story. It all depends on the time I have this week.


Patrick had a rather unusual afterschool hobby. While most of the teenagers in the town of Whitewood his age were occupied with school and other typical teenage activities, Patrick, had developed a peculiar habit that set him apart from his peers. He found himself drawn to a woman's dress store named "Enchanté," a shop known for its variety of women’s wear that WASN’T a big franchise store. The teen however, wasn't interested in purchasing any dresses. Instead, he frequented the store to mess with the impeccably dressed female mannequins that filled the shop, under the pretense that he was 'there for his mom'. While he could have squeezed the plastic boobs or felt up the curved buttocks of mannequin chicks at the big department store in the mall with less of a risk…Patrick liked the fact that the store was small enough and the owner, the thick chick named ‘Tea, might catch him. Plus there was something about the assorted mannequins; each of them had unique features. Some had dump truck booties, some had bigger boobs, some were short, some were tall, some were chubby and some were actually a little ripped, and all of them had uniquely sculpted faces.

So Patrick contented himself with giving each mannequin a name and making sure his ‘harem’ got at least one grope from him before he would scurry home.But eventually cold, hard plastic began to lose it’s appeal, and the idea of sneaking into the dressing rooms entered Patrick’s teenage brain. After all, why be content with just statues when he could see the real thing? But Patrick wasn’t as stealthy as he’d thought. The owner of Enchanté, ‘Tea, had known what the boy had been doing since day one. She’d been tolerant to a point; after all, teenage boys would be boys and it would do her ‘employees’ some good to have SOME form of interaction, but when she’d caught him trying to sneak into the changing rooms to spy on her LIVING customers, she decided something had to be done. Hopefully she could just scare him away but if not…

‘Tea confronted him with a stern expression, "And THAT’S off limits, kiddo. Listen, I’ve put up with you coming in here with your lame excuse and being all touchy-feely with my staff” She gestured to many mannequins scattered around the store, “But the moment you start harassing my CUSTOMERS, that is when I draw the line. I’m going to have to ask you to leave”

Patrick, undeterred, smirked and retorted, "Staff? Listen, chica, I’m just having a little fun with your lifeless dolls. What's the big deal?"

“The ‘big deal’ is that you’re a creepy little pervert who has one chance to leave before I call your parents. Or the police. Your choice” ‘Tea said, her voice hard as marble and her stare even harder.

However, Patrick, fueled by arrogance and insolence, insulted ‘Tea and her shop, and even went so far as to issue a threatening ultimatum. His dad was on the city council and was a lawyer, he could get this place shut down if a ‘fat bimbo like her’ didn’t let him have his fun! Unbeknownst to Patrick however, ‘Tea harbored a secret. Having known what it was like to be nothing but something pretty for men to gawk at and touch and drool over (for millennia) she decided that it the boy needed to be taught a lesson. Instead of responding to Patrick’s threats, she decided to take matters into her own hands. After all, she’d picked up a few tricks since classical era Cyprus…And it helped that her lifeforce was literally a gift from the Gods.

“Ugh, men, BOYS, are such Pygs” She hissed, her voice full of disgust. And then she said something in a language that Patrick didn’t understand at all…And he found himself unable to move!

With a swift incantation and a wave of her hand, ‘Tea transformed Patrick into another mannequin. His body turned stark white as he froze in place, the only thing capable of movement were his eyes that now rolled in their sockets in sheer, utter terror. His shaggy brown hair began exploding outwards, turning a bright, golden blonde as it became synthetic, attached to Patrick’s newly pale skull by way of his newly textured scalp as it became a wig. His flabby, masculine looks began to turn feminine, his bones beneath the rapidly hardened skin cracking and popping with increasingly hollow, clicking sounds as he grew roughly an inch, both in height and elsewhere. Hi hips flared out, his bottom dumptrucked, and his arms and legs became slender and delicate along with the plastic tubes that were now his tiny fingers. Patrick’s shoulders slimmed considerably, and his poor posture was immediately corrected as he stood ram-rod straight, puffing out the new, hard breasts that were pushing out of the solidifying mass that was his tapered torso. The featureless bulge in his crotch swelled for just a moment before it melted inwards, turning smooth and featureless like the rest of his body. A new face, lacking in any passing familiarity to what he’d looked like before, popped and shifted across the teenager’s face until all that was left was the face of a female mannequin similar but distinct, just like all the ones he’d been feeling up for weeks. Patrick tried to scream, tried to move, tried to do anything, but he was no longer able to move or speak, his muscles now plastic and foam while his skeleton had been replaced with lockable joints. His new white ‘skin’ began to segment as his changed body separated into different parts. And his clothes turned into a golden one piece yoga outfit that hugged his new curves perfectly. Frozen in a lifelike pose, he now looked like just another adult female mannequin, save for his terrified eyes.

‘Tea, with a sly smile, informed him, "If you want to be human again, you'll have to earn it." And with that, she finished the spell, the former teen’s skin turning cold and lifeless, his eyes losing all detail as they were glazed over with white plastic. But despite everything, he could still see! He saw the smug bitch smiling at him for a long moment before she reached out and grabbed his new and very light form! She placed the transformed Patrick near the ‘yoga’ section, where women came in to buy tights and leggings (even if they had no intention on actually practicing yoga). To the unsuspecting eye, he appeared as just another mannequin, but ‘Tea had left Patrick fully conscious to everything that was happening. He could even ‘feel’ her hands on him, a sensation that felt like the numbed movement of a limb from sitting on it for too long. The same went for the ridiculous outfit he now wore; he could feel it, just from a distance.And then he heard them. The whispers. Or something like them. Most of them were in languages he couldn’t understand, all emanating from the mannequins he’d taken advantage of for the past few months. He couldn’t understand what they were saying, much less respond, but their sneering, chuckling tones told him all he needed to know. They were like him, alive! And they hadn’t enjoyed his attentions and ‘affections’ at ALL.

“Oh, the girls won’t bite. No mouths, you see. Maybe if you’re here long enough you’ll be able to talk back” The being known in other times as Galatea said with a chuckle as she adjusted his limbs in a more inviting form, “And don’t worry, I’m not heartless. Sell enough outfits and I’ll consider changing you back into a human. If you’ve learned your lesson, that is. And don’t bank on being rescued, everyone else in the entire world, even your mom and oh-so-powerful dad won't miss you” ‘Tea whispered into her new mannequin’s ear, feeling the soul inside the plastic scream, “But if you don’t, well…Out of sight, COMPLETELY out of mind…”




How do you come up with this ideas for these? Is it just whatever comes to you? You have like a list somewhere?

Mr. Domino

It's just whatever comes to me. Sometimes I dream this stuff up (I have extremely detailed and coherent dreams and remember them long after waking, plus I lucid dream). There's a picture I made with Midjourney that may or may not see the light of day here that I dreamed up one night. Overall it's just whatever pops into my head when it comes time to work on content. When it comes to the Midjourney stuff, as I said last upload, the story typically comes first and the image is created to serve it while real pictures get a story built around the picture. I also am fortunate enough to have a job that comes with an hour and a half (usually) where I have nothing to do, so if I have an idea in my head I can type a rough draft (sometimes full) down in my phone to copy/paste onto my PC when I get home.