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Made with ye olde Midjourney. I was inspired by another piece of AI art I saw on DeviantArt recently. Completely different story and using 'collateral' as in 'give me something to ensure you'll pay me back' versus the way I took it, which was 'collateral damage' caused by random magic happening. In this case, a fighting witch and wizard zapping some poor boy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up permanently changed as a result.

The concept of two magic users teleporting around the world during a duel opens up a lot of possibilities for future images as well, so huzzah!

Really happy with the picture that Midjourney gave me, though. Funny enough, while it generated the image, I can't use it as a base image because it's too frisky, lol. She looks great, though. Again, sort of the body type I find myself most attracted to.


"O-okay Brian, j-just take a deep breathe and..." Oh c'mon, even breathing makes these things jiggle!? This SO isn't fair!" The stacked and incredibly attractive woman in her early thirties whined as she stood outside the door to the hotel suite. She stared daggers down into her canyon of cleavage before she slowly slide the the door's keycard into the lock and, with another dreaded deep breath, stumbled her way into the suite.

"Oh, hey!" The other, slightly older woman that waited on the other side of the door looked up from unpacking a suitcase. She looked remarkably like the golden-bloused woman that stood in the doorway with big, watery brown eyes, and the look of mild curiosity turned to concern as she set down the clothing and made her way over to her slightly younger twin in the doorway. "Bri, are you okay? Did they not have any snacks in the lobby?"

"M-mom!" The much more busty Brian said with a sob and rushed inside the room, wrapping slightly flabby arms around Sarah, his mother.

"Uh, 'mom'? I think you mean 'sis'. C'mon Brianna, I'm not really in the mood for one of your games. Are you okay or not?" Sarah's tone hovered on the line between concern and annoyance as she pulled her busty sister away and held her at arm's lenght, paying no attention to the confused, hurt look on Brian's face.

"B-Brianna!? SIS!?" Brian sobbed once more in confusion. What else had changed!?

Brian was fourteen and on vacation with his parents, and they had all been invited by his best friend Lee and his dad, Jeff. Jeff had just gone through a particularly heartbreaking divorce two years ago with Lee's mom, Karen, leaving her son and former husband with barely a word and had vanished out west. Being lifelong friends, Brian's parents had been super supportive of the divorcee and his son during the interim. Now that summer hadd rolled around again, Jeff, who was fairly wealthy and ready to face the world again, had offered to take them all of vacation to a fancy resort in the Bahamas! They had flown in first class to the stunning blue waters of the Caribbean and had been blown away by the luxury of the resort's hotel on the tropical island it sat on. But Brian had been rather hungry and had run off to the hotel's lobby to explore and to grabd some snacks from the vending machines before they all hit the golden sands of the beach. But while his family unpacked in their suite, and his best friend and dad unpacked in the adjacent one, Brian's life would be turned upside down. As Brian had been wandering through the hotel's fancy lobby and atrium, something very strange happened. One moment he was alone, staring at the waterfall within the atrium, and then the next there was a crack of thunder and ligh, and then a crazy looking old woman in a pointy hat and an old man in a robe were there screaming strange words at each other! Pointy sticks were pointed and then light flashed from the tips of the sticks! Orbs of multicolored, iridescent light flew at each other, most popping like bubbles against flickering lights surrounding the two crazed individuals, but then a pink one was batted away by the old man and it zoomed over and struck Brian in the chest with a SNAP! The boy screamed, his voice turning husky pushed backwards by the impact, but he was otherwise unhurt. But he HAD been changed.

Where there had been a fourteen year old boy, there was now a short but VERY busty thirty-something woman with long brunette hair, enormous boobs, a round butt and puffy lips, all wearing mom-jeans and a golden colored blouse that did nothing to hide her cleavage! And had a purse! Brian looked down at himself in terror and then up at the two fighting individuals, grabbing the heavy bags of fat and flesh now hanging off his torso, but then with another flash of light and thunder, the old man and old woman vanished, leaving Brian stuck in this strange, sexy new body! He had fled to the nearest bathroom, ducking into the men's before the usher within politely moved him...her to the women's bathroom where he had spent the next thirty minutes staring in shock at his gorgeous new form in the mirror and trying very, very hard not to freak out. Everything that Brian did cause his boobs to jiggle! And things were so tall now! And his voice! And...and the GAP BETWEEN HIS LEGS! Brian, being a otherwise normal teenage boy, enjoyed looking at sexy girls and older women with big boobs just like any other fourteen year old, but to...but to BE ONE!? And what was with all the jewelry, like the big diamond ring on his tiny, slender new fingers? But eventually he had to face the music. He'd slowly made his way back up to the hotel suite, trying to think of a way to explain what had happened to his family, Lee and Jeff. But being called sis and having his mom act like this was normal?

"Uh, yeah? Listen, I don't-" Sarah had begun, but was interrupted as Brian's dad stepped through the door connecting the suites together, with Jeff and Lee behind him.

"Oh, you're back!" Jeff's face lit up upon seeing the changed boy, while Lee just shot him a surly look of hatred. Jeff had walked over to Brian, squeezed him tight and gave the stunned former teen turned thirty-something woman a passioante kiss on the mouth! Brian let loose a squeal as his eyes almost popped out of her skull at the feel of Jeff's scratchy beard against her smooth skin and puffy lips. "God, you're so beautiful" Jeff said, a smile on his face that once just always looked sad. His huge hands enveloped Brian's new tiny ones, and he felt his new ring clink against another one on Jeff's ringfinger.

"What, no snacks? God, you're useless" Lee snarked.

"Hey, you will RESPECT your MOTHER!" Jeff growled, pointing a finger in his son's face.

"She's NOT my mom! She's my STEPmom and you never ASKED ME IF I LIKED HER!" Lee yelled and stormed back into the adjacent suite.

"Sorry about that, baby" Jeff said, turning back to Brianna's whitening face as she slowly realized what was happening, "He'll get over it and just see how great you are. You two will be best friends before you know it!"

"O-oh god!" Brian, or rather, Brianna squeaked. That pink bubble had done more than just turn him into a woman, it had turned into a sister, a new wife and stepmother! And with no idea who or even what the old man and woman were and the fact they had vanished, the fact that he, or she now, was stuck in this new life forever!




Funny enough I came up with a similar idea a while back. Instead of wizards it was in the MIB and the victim get neutralized at the end. Really the same idea tho

Keys Pratt

This caption is great. One of my favorites.