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Jack and Jill shared a girlish giggle as they heard the approaching footsteps. The look on his was going to be SO funny! The twins were sitting on the loveseat in their living room, mimicking each others poses as best as possible to maintain the illusion that one of them was not, in fact, a sixteen year old teenage boy that had been morphed into his older sister's exact duplicate by some CRAZY spell they'd found on the Internet! Jack was honestly trying his hardest to keep up the ruse despite it being his idea; being a girl was...well, nuts probably wasn't the appropriate word to use in this exact situation but it seemed the most accurate.

The feeling had been incredible! Jack's body had twisted and contorted in a painless way, his bones snapping and popping like he had just been popping his fingers! His hips had bubbled outwards as his rear grew and his member shrank into nothing but a slit, and his chest had felt like it was filled with helium for a moment as two sizable boobs grew out of his (admittingly somewhat flabby) chest! Jack's buzzcut had trembled and tickled as it began growing, his hair follicles erupting with rich and silky red hair that quickly traveled past his shoulders at to the small of his back! The former boy's arms slimmed down and his hands grew soft and dainty as manicured nails grew out from them just enough to look sexy. Jack had run back to his room, tripping over the clothes as he shrank several inches and looked in the mirror as his face began shifting, taking on the softer, rounder, freckled full-lipped features of Jill! In just under a minute he was now an EXACT duplicate of his sister! Even their FINGERPRINTS were the same! And that didn't even happen in true identical twins!

"OMG, IT WORKED!" Jill had shrieked in excitement, staring at her new sister in barely contained glee. The two then spent the neext two hours exploring just HOW simillar Jack now was to Jill before a text suddenly put a damper on their fun. It was Fred, Jill's boyfriend! Jill had forgotten all about the date they had planned for the night and he was almost at the house!

"Oh, OH! Let's dress up and confuse him!" Jack had squealed in Jill's voice, and his sister only took a heartbeat to agree. She thus it was a mad dash to the closet, searching for clothing that was as identical as possible. A few outfits here, a somewhat hasty makeup job there and as the doorbell rang, two gorgeous looking Jills sat on the family room's loveseat, striking identical poses and both of them trying very, VERY hard not to laugh! The moment that their mom had let Fred in, the college jock had entered the family room and his eyes hhad nearly shot out of his head when he saw not one, but TWO of his super hot redheaded girlfriend sitting there gazing at him!

"Hey tiger..." The Jill in the pink socks giggled coyly.

"Like what you see?" The jill is the blue socks teased.

Fred just gulped as he felt his dick begin to get hard. Was he dreaming? Had he died? Either way he must have somehow gone to heaven!

"You can only take one of us to dinner...Pick one!" The Blue-Socked Jill said with a perfect white smile.

"But if you pink wrong...Then you won't get dessert" The Pink-Socked Jill cooed, adding a flirty wink to the suggestive statement.

Fred nearly fainted on the spot.

Meanwhile, neither of the new twins had noticed that, after buying the spell, they'd been locked out of the strange website...and all without buying a reversal spell! And that using the 'twinning' spell for too long would result in the changee slowly becoming more like the target in body AND mind! They'd find out about the Witch-Net's limitations eventually, but for now 'Jill & Jill' were content to torture the hell out of Fred.

Besides, they eventually come to terms with being new indentical twins. After all, Jill had always wanted a sister! 



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