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As promised, one TG caption with some Age Progression, Age Regression, male to female and female to male thrown in for good measure!

As an aside, I think that the woman in the picture is pretty gorgeous. She may not be a supermodel, but she ticks all the right boxes for me.

I also tried somethin a little different this time and worked on the caption at 2000x2000 instead of the usual 1000x1000 and then resized to 2000x2000. Overall it actually REALLY lagged out my computer so I don't know if I'll keep doing it that way.

Bonus points if you spot a reference I threw in! Hope you enjoy!


"WEEE!" Kyle screamed as he ran through the backyard in a blur of hyperactivity, grabbing his toys, playing with them for a brief moment before tossing them aside and moving onto the next. The little four year old was a noisy terror, a bundle of uncontrollable energy that had no volume setting below 'loud'. His parents, Martin and Cathy, sat on the back-porch, doing what they thought was their best at trying to get their son to wear himself out so he'd actually go to sleep tonight. They were both exhausted, and had been for the past four years. They loved their son but they were quickly reaching the end of their collective rope. With the Pandemic Kyle had yet to go to school, nor could he truly be taken anywhere since everything was shut down. And the exhausted adults blown through every babysitter in town (even the really attractive one that looked like a model) even before the Pandemic had hit and no one wanted to come supervise their little ball of energy for even a few hours (and both Cathy and Martin’s parents lived out of state). The past few years had been…rough and exhausting, to say the least.


"Kyle, buddy, it's okay to run but can you not scream? Martin groaned as he rubbed his temples. His meds weren't even touching the migraines his son's screeching caused on a daily basis. At least he could manage to escape the noise for a few hours, volunteering to work in the office when most had gone remote work.

 "DAD! DAD COME PLAY WITH ME!" Kyle screamed in excitement, running up on the deck and pulling painfully on his dad's arm.

"Buddy! Stop! I'm too tired to play! Just...quiet down, please?" Martin said with a wince.

"Oh just go play, Martin." Cathy hissed, her eyes closed as she tried to get some kind of rest. Spending hours upon hours alone with Kyle every day had made her miserable, and more than a bit resentful towards her husband who at least had the escape of going to work. She hadn't had a break from her son in YEARS thanks to the Pandemic! Having to supervise him at all times meant the house was a mess and Cathy looked like a trainwreck, both from the weight she'd failed to lose and the pounds she'd put on. There was no time to exercise, there was no time to just relax for even a moment. The boy wouldn't even sleep the whole night! It had started off as just an idle stress thought, but more and more Cathy was regretting ever having him!

"MOMMY! MOM MOM MOM COME PLAY TOO!" Their son roared, and without any warning tossed himself onto his mother, sending both of them tumbling to the patio with a shriek. The five year old began screaming as he grabbed a suddenly slightly skinned knee.

"KYLE! That is enough!" Cathy roared as she untangled herself from her screaming child, "YOU WANT US TO PLAY, OKAY, LETS PLAY!" She stomped across the patio and pulled Martin from his chair, dragging her exasperated husband out onto the grass and began yelling "TAG YOUR IT TAG YOUR IT" over and over while whacking Martin repeatedly on the shoulder, not caring that her son was still screaming over his extremely minor injury. She just...she just couldn't keep it in anymore!

"Honey sto-" Martin protested, raising his hands to fend off the painful shoves as they became more and more forceful. The last thing they needed was for the neighbors to call the cops again and suddenly have to deal with a case of bad parenting coupled with assumed domestic abuse. The HOA was already looking for reasons to get rid of them, after all.

"NO I WANT TO PLAY! PLAY PLAY PLAAAY!" Cathy screeched before facing Kyle who was still bawling over his skinned knee, "ISN'T THIS FUN KYLE!? THIS IS WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE YOUR PARENTS! I WISH YOU HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS!"

"Ugh. Sorry, kid. I’ll try to swing it nice for you." A tiny voice came from behind Kyle, but the child and parents were too busy screaming to hear it, or see the tiny flash of pink light.

Immediately Kyle's body inflated as he began to grow in more ways than one. His bones cracked and popped as they were stretched outwards, turning longer though only gaining a small bit of mass. His stomach gurgled and swelled outwards as the no longer small boy gained a considerable amount of weight on his newly elongated limbs, a small double chin hanging under his rapidly reshaping face and more than ample love handles and a muffin top straining against the shimmering fabric of his clothes. Twin mounds swelled to prominence on the boy's torso, surging outwards until they hung a considerable distance from his body, and his rear was stretched wide as it filled with fat. His face, still slightly chubby, took on mature angles as his cheekbones rose and his brow lightened as his eyes turned a marvelous shade of brown. Brunette hair erupted from his former closely shaven scalp, pouring down his back and styli g itself into a loose but lush braid. Kyle's lips pouted outwards as they filled out, and there was a pinch in his groin as his genitals flipped inside out and became a female slit nestled between two chunky thighs. Kyle’s final physical changes were his clothes, which gained several sizes and turned feminine, granting the former boy some momentary relief as his new body was no longer straining against fabric designed for a four year old. A light checkered print shirt covered his cute upper body, the top buttons undone just enough to allow a hint of cleavage from her heavy bust, currently cradled in a lacy black bra, to be visible. A pair of mom-jeans hugged his new, wide hips and rear, and his new tiny feet were covered in a pair of toe-less sandals. Kyle looked every bit the image of a young mother. Light makeup appeared on his face and he blinked rapidly as a lifetime of new memories filled his now adult skull. Twenty-five years of being Kayla, liking dolls and mermaids and plush animals, pink and purple, learning how to do her hair and makeup. Her first period, the numerous crushes through her teen years, the first time she had sex, being a cheerleader and, after high school graduation, enrolling in her sorority and graduating from college with a degree in communications. 

All the bar hopping with the girls she now knew, the clubs, the one night stands and finally, the fateful night where she had met the father of her children. Becoming the one-night stand and never seeing him again, learning she was pregnant. Moving back in with her parents and having the Twins. Getting her first real job beyond a secretary only to see it end as the Pandemic hit and took her parents. The inability to get rid of the baby weight and gaining a few more pounds that she desperately tried to keep off with the disappointing consolation prize that she at least still looked sexy, at least from a non-conventional angle. There was nothing left of Kyle, the four year old's brief life had been completely overwhelmed and replaced with another life, another person. A mother with kids-Oh god, her kids! Kayla shook away the strangely vivid pink floaters from her eyes and breathed a huge sigh of relief. There, running wild on the grass of the backyard, were her son and daughter. Mary, the quiet one, was running around giggling with her cute pink bike helmet on, and Caydin, ever the freight train of activity, was careening through anything in his path as he fought monsters and aliens and whatever he could dream up. Kayla loved both of her kids and was glad that she could support them on her salary (mom and dad had left everything to her), but Caydin was SUCH a handful! Especially with the Pandemic keeping the schools closed indefinitely and with her being forced to work remotely. The boy's screaming had already gotten her plenty of complaints from the neighbors, but they could sod off. At least her kids were having fun! But still, this was the hardest thing she'd ever done!

"MOMMY! COME PLAY WITH US!" Caydin hollered, and Kayla's attention turned from the strange, hazy memory of something else to her son and daughter jumping and waving excitedly at her. She smiled, finished off her glass of wine and rose from the lawn chair. Well whatever it was, it wasn't important. She'd finish off this nice evening with a quick game of 'Monster Mommy' and take the kids inside for dinner and then bed. It was getting a little late for them afterall. She took a breath and suddenly raised her hands to look like claws and gave a dramatic snarl as she charged off the patio, causing the Twins to shriek in delight.

"HERE COMES MOMMY!" Kayla roared, quickly grabbing up Caydin and tickling his stomach as the boy squirmed in her grip. She stomped after Mary, whose tiny legs couldn't outpace her mother's, and who giggled as Kayla swiped them up. Soon the loving young family had gone inside, eaten dinner, taken their nightly bath and been put down to bed (for now, since Caydin would inevitably get up later due to his endless amount of energy despite how much he'd run around this afternoon and evening)…And Kayla allowed herself to go back out on the patio with another glass of wine.

It was hard work being a mom, but she had the distinct feeling that she was doing a better job than...her own? Wait, that didn't seem right...Why was her knee hurting? Suddenly everything seemed...wrong! As if this wasn't how things were supposed to be! Kayla and her kids were supposed to be...And then just like that, the feeling was gone.

“Oh well” She sighed, taking a long sip from the wine glass, “I guess I’m just getting old!” She giggled as she watched the stars come out. Tiring as it may have been, Kayla knew she was a good mom, and she LOVED being a parent!



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