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"Look, Dave! I found it!" Jeremy said, holding the jar towards the cheerleader. The liquid inside of it sloshed noisily as the brain inside of the jar moved with the teenager's own movement.

"Um, it's like, Charlotte an-LIKE OMG EW!" The cute blonde squealed in disgust, shoving the jar away. She backpedaled on her tiny feet until she was on the other side of the science room table, staring daggers with her green eyes, "LIKE YOU TOTALLY GROSS WEIRDO! GET AWAY FROM ME LOSER! GOD, WHY DID I, LIKE, AGREE TO LET YOU TUTOR ME!?"

Jeremy scrambled to hold onto the jar to keep it from falling from his grip and smashing itself on the floor. Why was she, ugh, why was HE making this so hard!? Surely his best friend would want to at least stop being a bimbo with literally half a brain!

Whitewood High had something of a reputation for being a school where weird things happened to students AND staff, but Jeremy and Dave never thought that they'd end up as living proof. All it took was Dave signing up for some extra credit in 'The Mad Scientist' Mr.Stein's advanced biology class and then suddenly the weird and unbelievable had become truly real! Dave was sharing the afterschool class with one of Whitewood High's cheerleaders, Charlotte, and had been nervous about being close to someone that hot and that far outside of his own social circle. But Frank Stein was known for being able to bring students together, and within a couple of sessions Charlotte and Dave seemed like fast friends. And then one week later, while Jeremy was waiting for his best friend after school, Dave had come out and completly ignored him! The boy had been moving strangely, as if his body wasn't working right. A stumble here, a misjudged angle there, hitting his head on things Dave normally knew to duck for...It was all very odd. And then Dave had told Jeremy to 'get lost, loser!' and had slammed the door of his house in Jeremy's face. Later that night Jeremy, nursing his wounded feelings, had gotten a frantic text from Charlotte's number, begging to meet him at the park later! Jeremy had met up with the EXTREMELY distressed cheerleader later that night, wondering just what kind of a prank he was walking into, but 'Charlotte' had thrown herself at him, bawling about having had his brain put in a girl's body! It had taken some convincing, but eventually Jeremy was certain that this girl was, in fact, his best friend and that Charlotte  was really in Dave's body! And what was worse, Mr. Stein had only put PART of his brain into the cheerleader! Already the formerly well spoken teen was adding in 'like' and 'um' and 'totally' into his vocabularly, as well as being easily distracted by shiny things like jewelry. They (mainly Jeremy) had made a plan to sneak into Mr. Stein's lab that weekend and steal back Dave's brain...But the longer that the week went on, the more unintelligent that Dave seemed to become, even beginning to believe that SHE was actually Charlotte!

But now here Jeremy was, holding the larger part of Dave's brain in his hands, and the girl didn't want anything to do with him! 

"Oh, Jeremy, Charlotte, doing a little weekend extra credit, are we?" Came a deep voice from the classroom doorway. Jeremy spun on his heel, nearly dropping the brain again as he saw Mr. Stein standing in the doorway, an amused, but sinister look on his face.

"Why, let me help you. I don't believe I've ever tried a triple brain transplant before..."



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