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Todd and Brad were just two fourteen year old boys hanging out in Todd's bedroom after Christmas, playing around with some of the new video games the acne covered teen had gotten for the holiday. The fairly wealthy upper middle class boys were already bored with what they'd gotten and were just sort of passing the weird period of time at the end of the two week break from school. But, as teenage boys are wont to do when bored, they ended up getting in more trouble than they possibly expected.

"Dude, check out this app!" Brad had said, handing his phone over to Todd, who had just lost another game of Fortnite. He practically threw the controller down and snatched the phone out of his friend's hand, taking a moment for his eyes to focus on the tiny screen.

"Swapper?" Todd said, arching an eyebrow as he read the text on the phone "The world's first consciousness swapping app. Experience the world through the eyes of someone else. See sights you might never otherwise see. Join for free today and for the low price of $5 dollars you can swap with another user immediately. Terms and Conditions apply, blah blah blah, dude, this is a waste of time!"

"Well we're both bored anyway, right? And it's not like watching you constantly lose at Fortnite is any fun for me!" Brad shot back, grabbing his phone out of his friend's hands, "C'mon, you do it on your phone and I'll do it on mine! See, they even have a 'Swap Together' option!"

"Well, bro, my mom and dad just won't let me buy stuff off the phone store like yours will. Where am I going to get five bucks to pay them back? Start a lemonade stand?" Todd rolled his eyes as he crossed his somewhat chubby arms.

"You could always use some of your allowance!" Brad shot back.

"I'm not wasting MY money on some stupid app! I need that to buy stuff for Fortnite!" Todd aruged back, ignoring the fact that no matter how much he bought for the game he was still horribly unskilled at it.

Brad fished into his pocket and pulled out his small money clip his grandpa had given him to get him used to carrying a wallet in the future and pulled out a ten dollar bill, waving it in front of Todd's face.

"Here you fucking hobo! I'll pay for both of us! Now download the app!" Brad bossily commanded his friend, who rolled his eyes once more and snatched the $10, shoving it into his pants pocket before pulling out his phone and downloading the app. Todd was not excited about this at all, but he guessed he could take a quick break from his gaming...

"Okay, so if we wanna swap together...Oh, okay so I just gotta put your account name in and..." Brad and Todd quickly exchanged their account handles and Brad added Todd in to do a joint swap.

"Okay, let's do this before my mom comes up here screaming a us or something for charging to her account" Todd said as charged his family's phone account for the money the app wanted, glancing at the bedroom door. Brad nodded at Todd's solemn wisdom. Moms were THE WORST at stopping fun before it happened. He flicked through the app at all the different lives they could swap into. People on the other side of town, some hot cheerleaders from the college, people from Europe, Russia, China, even Africa and South America! It literally was all over the world! But Brad had a problem about being decision-overload. Too many options and he would freeze up. Luckily the Swapper app seem to account for this and had a 'random' button that would swap both him and Todd into the lives of two random users! And if they were crappy they just had to switch back. The button was right there after all. Perfectly safe!

"Okay, here we go in 3...2...1..." Brad counted down while Todd looked on in mild boredom. Brad's finger jabbed downwards onto the 'Swap!' button on his phone and he suddenly felt as if he was falling into it! Dizziness filled his head as his eyes went blurry for a moment, before suddenly the world snapped back into perfect clarity.

"Dude, did it work?" Brad asked, and gasped at how...different his voice was! He looked up from the phone and, true to the app's promise, he was now in a completely different location! The sun was coming up, it was strangely hot and the house he was in was a little cruddy but it didn't look dangerous. But then the teenager looked down, and realized JUST how much he had changed! He was covered from head to toe in a long black garment of some kind. It covered his entire body save for his face and hands, but he could now FEEL the difference! Some LARGE and HEAVY was hanging off his chest, his bottom felt VERY cushioned and the back of his neck was being tickled by what had to be long hair!

"Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" A sultry and VERY female voice cried out next to him, and Brad turned to see a gorgeous woman in a similar outfit sitting next to him! Her hands roamed her body, pressing against the fabric and outlining what was a VERY curvy body.

"...Todd?" Brad whispered, gaining a very scared nod in return. Brad looked down at his covered chest and suddenly began to realize what had happened.

"YOU TURNED US INTO WOMEN! AND WE'RE IN SOME MIDDLE EASTERN PLACE!" Todd suddenly screamed, his new voice echoing off the walls, "THIS IS A BURQA! CHANGE US BACK!"

"Dude, volumne! No, let's check this place out first! We paid money for this!" Brad pleaded back.

"You don't understand you moron, burqa's mean women are slaves! Quick before-" Todd said, grabbing at Brad's tiny hands.

But both new women froze when they heard another booming voice call out from the other room, "FATIMA, REZA, COME! YOUR HUSBAND IS HOME AND DESIRES SEX!"

The boys shared a terrified look and Brad quickly jabbed a finger down on the 'Swap' button...But nothing happened. Instead, they received a pop up, informing them to log in again, and that...

"Thank you for using Swapper. As per our ToC, the lives you are attempting to swap to have deleted their accounts. Please try with new accounts. Thank you for using our app!" They were stuck!



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