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"Aw dude, thanks!" Trevor said, taking the smallish wrapped box from his roommate Glen. The overweight former jock sat in his smelly hoodie on his normal spot on the couch, his body surrounded by crumbs and empty beer cans. It seemed like a perfect time to do so, so Trevor let a lout fart out in excitement and gratitude.

"Yeah, no problem. Anything for you, uh, bro" The more geeky Glen said, gritting his teeth in disgust as the smell wafted outwards and filled the living room of the house he desperately tried to keep clean. He liked Trevor, but ever since the accident had ended the man's football career, the former hunk had turned into a slobbish couch potato. The nice house they shared had gone from well kept to a pigsty that Glen was having to clean on a daily basis due to Trevor not realizing he couldn't act like a frat bro anymore an get away with it. Luckily...It was Christmas, and under the guise of getting each other a 'Secret Santa' gift (which Trevor had 'forgotten' to do, of course), that was going to change.

The sausage fingers of the jock ripped into the cheap wrapping paper and flung it onto the floor without a care, revealing the red box beneath. Trevor gave it a inquisitive shake and, upon hearing absolutely nothing, gave Glen a sad stare. "Dude, you're not, like, shafting me 'cuz I forgot to get you something, right?" He said, his piggy eyes full of hurt.

"Nah, I just wanna see you happy, bro" Glen said through a fake smile, "I, uh, just packed it really good. It's a little fragile and stuff" The answer seemed to satisfy Trevor, and the smile returned. Large fingers gripped the edge of the box and began lifting it...And then a flash of white light flooded outwards, blinding both men. Glen could hear Trevor's voice go from a manly yell to a feminine scream, and as the light faded, the long-suffering geek saw what his money had bought. There, on the couch, was a tall, athletic blonde with perfect...everything, instead of the fat, gross Trevor.

"Aw, babe! I, like, love it!" Tasha screamed with excitement, pulling out the gold necklace and immediately putting it on her slender neck, the gold chain dangling tantilizingly above her cleavage. She held a tiny hand up to her short blonde hair and posed. "How do I look?" She said, striking a pose on the couch, which was, like the rest of the house, spotless as reality had been changed, writing Trevor out of existence and writing in the new neat-freak, highly intelligent and VERY sexy cheerleader. Trevor had never existed, and instead Tasha had taken his place, rich, funny, smart, sexy and everything Trevor hadn't been.

"You look fantastic, babe!" Glen said with a genuine grin. He hadn't believed magic was real until the strange green haired girl at that weird novelty shop had shown him otherwise by giving him a temporary pair of tits, but he wasn't going to complain. Now instead of a slobbish jerk that was just going to take advantage of him, now he was going to have himself the ideal girlfriend! No more late nights cleaning up garbage or dealing with impromptu beer parties or getting low-key threatened about homework!

"Oh? Just fantastic? Well, let me show you your present and maybe that will change your mind..." Tasha purred, rising from couch. She reached over, gave Glen a deep kiss and pulled him towards the bedroom they now shared.

Glen was smiling like a kid on, well, Christmas at what was to come. This had been the best Secret Santa ever!



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