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John Thompson flinched as he heard coming down the hall of Whitewood Jr. High. It was the tell-tale audio cue that trouble was not far behind it. The seventh grade English teacher was dreading what was to come, but he had to assert his authority (as much as teachers could these days) and make sure that his classroom was respected by the student. Otherwise there would be only chaos. That was the trick to being a teacher. John often tried to be firm but fair, but the pig-tailed troublemaker that was stomping into his room had crossed a line.

“Well I’m here. What do you want to, like, do for an hour? Before I go home and tell my parents you touched me” Tina Fleischer sneered while obnoxiously popping another bubble. It was a false threat, Tina’s detention was on record, her parents had been informed and the rooms had cameras now anyway, but still she made it.

John rubbed his eyes at the dramatic tweenager. “Tina, we both know that I asked you several times to not pop gum during class. I have nothing wrong with you chewing it, but you were being deliberately disruptive today.” The English teacher said, his voice strong but warm, hoping to head off any potential confrontation. He rose from the desk and moved over to the whiteboard, sliding it back to reveal an old fashioned chalkboard beneath it.

“Wow, I knew you were, like, old because you’re going bald and stuff, but you have one of those? Ha, you fossil!” Tina sneered between loud, wet smacks of chewing.

“I’m surprised you even know what this is” John said with a chuckle. He picked up one of the long forgotten pieces of chalk and handed it to the defiant looking girl, who reached out and plucked it from him, holding it gingerly between her index finger and thumb.

"So what do you want me to do with it?" Tina groaned again.

"Well, maybe some repetition will do you good. I want you to write 'I will not chew gum in class' until the entire board is filled up. Write small. Do that and you can leave before 4" John offered. Most after school detentions were an hour long, but again, he felt that if he could find a balance between firm and fair, he could get Tina's respect and thus prevent more incidents in the future. But Tina seemed to have other plans. She rolled her brown eyes at her teacher and, with a snort of derision, began writing on the board. But it wasn't what she had been commanded to write, no, this was something else entirely. Something she'd picked up from one of the college students that were interning at the school for course credits. One of the gothy ones, of course. She drew several circles within circles, cracking the chalk in several places as Tina's hands chisled strange looking glyphs into the dull green board until she had drawn what looked to be a mandala...Or a rune, perhaps.

"You're only making it harder on yourself, Tina. Erase that, write what you were told and you can still go...home?" John sighed, disappointed, his voice trailing off as the tween finished one last strange looking symbol as the chalkboard began to...glow?

"I have a better idea, 'Joan'" The pig-tailed terror said with a smug smirk. With a final smack of the chalk, the spell to swtich lives with her teacher began. Tina braced for the spell's impact and giggled sinisterly at what was about to happen to John.

The glow intesified and suddenly a flash of light shot out at John! It hit his chest with the force of a soft, light pillow...And then he felt himself shrinking! His classroom rose up around him as he lost several feet of height, his bald pate itched as new hair sprung from the barren scalp and fell down past his shoulders! His body burned as it shifted internally, his bones creaking as they lost mass, his hips popping as they took on a more feminine shape and his cheek bones stretched upwards! The English teacher's hairy arms and chest turned barren as his skin turned a shade paler, and became much more smooth. There was a tug on his butt, a pinch on his chest, and a sudden empty feeling between his legs as he gained the slightest of curves to his now young body! The final changes were his clothes, his yellow polo shirt and khakis shifting to a deep green sweater and a plaid skirt! Leggings crept up his much shorter legs and his loafers were now shiny black shoes! His, now her, new hair tied itself up in a pair of pig-tails! John let out a high pitched groan as her voice changed, and a buzzing filled her head as new memories poured in. And just like that, Mr. John Thompson had been reduced to nothing more than little Joan Thomson, thirteen years old and serving her first detention ever! She was standing in front of Ms. Fleischer, the mean English teacher, who was handing her a long piece of chalk.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Fleischer! I just wasn't paying attention and...and..." Joan sniffled, mortified at the fact that she had detention. She took the chalk with trembling little fingers and blinked back tears behind her large glasses.

"Here you go, Joan" The smug adult said with a knowing, cruel smile, "Write 'I will not chew gum in class' until the board is full and maybe, just maybe, I'll let John go home early!" Tina said, popping her wad of gum once more as 'her student' tried to hold back tears as she feverishly wrote on the board. She couldn't wait to use it on another teacher, she'd never have detention again!



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