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Principle Bernard frowned as he watched the teenagers dance to this...noise they called 'music'. Specifically, he was watching two of them very closely and the sight of the girl in the pink dress pressing herself against the shaggy haired boy made his mood darken even further. How was that clod even supposed to see at the dance with sunglasses on? And a hat? What in the world was wrong with kids these days!? And what was wrong with Sadi-err, Samuel!?

Sadie, of course, was actually Samuel, the Vice Principal. Or was supposed to be. But the longer this 'experiment' seemed to take the more and more the conservative fifty year old seemed to enjoy being nothing more than a another flighty teenage girl! Bernard pushed through the crowd of teens until he converged on the young couple, standing there disapprovingly as the two continue to...'dance'.

"What in the world do you think you're doing!? This is completely unprofessional and I order you to stop!" Bernard bellowed, but his voice was drowned out by a pair of air horns blaring from the speakers as the DJ continued to flood the gym with noise.

"Like, relax 'dad'! Jonas is just, like, totally showing me a good time! Oh and, umm, like, all the new dances?" Sadie said with a giggle before spinning around with her hooligan-looking beau. Bernard scowled harder before stomping off in defeat.

This was NOT the plan! Ever since the two had come to Whitewood High as part of the new administration team (the previous one had disappeared following a nasty teacher strike), they'd been floundering in trying to 'connect' with the strange youth culture that existed now. It was NOTHING like the private schools back East! One of the teacher, a Teresa Hanson, had taken a liking to them and had provided them with a very odd solution; Transform one of them into a student and let them live as the other's child for a full school year! Then the two could truly benefit the school and the student body by knowing just what both of them needed!

Of course, neither Samuel or Bernard had believed the crazy art teacher until she'd waved an antique looking paintbrush around and suddenly Samuel was a teenage girl that looked like Bernard's daughter! With magic real and this opportunity too good to waste, the new daddy-daughter team had gotten to work figuring out the ins and outs of the student body. It had gone great at first, and Sadie was a VERY popular and influential girl on campus...

But as time went on and Samuel became increasingly more girly and feminine in both body and mind, Bernard realized that he was having to spend far more time worrying about keeping the male (and female!) students from finding out about Sadie's body!



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