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I arise from the depths of sleep depriving cold to give you a caption. Now I shall die and return maybe on Monday hopefully. This was meant to be a Whitewood caption but I didn't want to waste time establishing that it was in the town.


Victor was thrilled! The fifty-five year old local truck driver had been lucky enough to win a trip to the local botanical gardens! Granted it was no free trip to, say, Disney World, but the botanical gardens were some place he'd never been before and free was ALWAYS good! His trucker friends may have made fun of him, but meh! He liked to broaden his horizons instead of driving towards one every once in a while! Victor had joined the local tour group when he'd arrived at the very fancy, if slightly old fashioned looking main building and before long he and about a dozen others were strolling through the gardens at a leisurely pace. The day was bright, the weather was warm but not hot and a pleasant breeze was causing the smells of hundreds of different types of flowers to drift past his nose. All in all, it was a great day! The scores of mostly attractive women and very few men around was also a nice little side bonus.

"And over here, you'll find the rare Tghorn" The tour guide, an attractive brunette in her late thirties said as the group approached a large wall of green leaves and incredibly white blooms behind a small safety divider, "These flowers were only recently found in the Amazon, and it is a great honor to have our own transplanted home cluster here for study!" Victor stared at the vibrant greenery. Honestly it didn't look any different from a normal flower bush, but it certainly was pretty, especially the way that it caught the light and glittered from a fresh misting of water. It looked like the petals of the small white flowers were covered in diamonds, and it had the most incredible smell...Victor leaned forward and plucked a small bloom from an outstretched vine and...

"OW! DAMNIT!" Victor roared as a unseen thorn raked across his exposed forearm. He let go of the petal and reached for the tiny speck of blood...Only to see his skin turn several shades lighter, the shaggy fur coat of arm hair simply fall off...And his hand and arms shrink drastically in size! "What the f-" He gasped, and then clutched at his now VERY slender throat as his voice had lost any trace of masculinity, and was now high and airy. Long, golden blonde hair fell in front of his eyes and he pushed it away in shock, feeling the uninhibited weights on his chest jiggle with the sudden movement. Victor stared downwards at the small mountains poking through his shirt, overwhelmed by the sudden changes. He was on the verge of freaking out, stumbling in his much looser pants as they slid down his wider hips and his new tiny feet practically walking out of his shoes.

"Oh, dear! Oh sir, I'm sorry, you should have read the warning!" The tour guide said, rushing up to Victor (or would it be Victoria now?) and guiding her away as another guide took control of the crowd, "The Tghorn produces extremely allergic effects on men who touch it! The plant feeds off testosterone, exchanging it for a internal resevoir of estrogen and other feminine hormones! You look like if you'd been born a woman...AND it makes you look younger! You look like you just turned twenty!"

"But I'm, I can't- I'm a man!" Vic wailed at the top of his, rather her, new voice as she whipped her new hands across her body, feeling the rest of the changes such as the abundance of fatty tissue on her new ass and, of course, the slit that was tucked between her shapely legs.

"Not anymore! But don't worry, once the botanists figure out how to reverse the process, they should be able to change us both back into men! Well, you, since becoming a woman was the best thing that has happened to me!" The tour guide said, her voice full of sympathy. Victoria just stared up (oh god, UP. Everything was huge now!) at her.

"W-what do you mean? Y-you're a guy also!?" She stammered, "T-there's a cure?" Hope sprang into Victoria's new chest, as a smile tugged at her full lips and in her sparkling eyes, only to be crushed immediately.

"Was a guy, but I'm a woman now! Have been for ten years! Eventually you get used to being one! And yes, one day there might be a cure, but it'll take decades of careful research and...Oh, don't cry honey! You turned out gorgeous!" The tour guide beamed at her with perfect teeth.

Victoria just stared at the tour guide, realizing that being this tiny, the only trucking job he'd be good for now would be as a Lot Lizard! She had wanted to broaden her horizons, but not like this!



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