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The married couple of Isaac and Beth Johnson had recently moved to the town of Whitewood for new jobs, and most of their free time outside of getting established in their new careers had been spent fixing up their house and unpacking. It hadn't left a lot of room for romance, but finally the night had come! Isaac and Beth had gone out and about in their new hometown, eventually gravitating towards the popular 'Cauldron' shopping center. It was a little over the top with it's 'magical' themes, but otherwise had plenty of shops and eateries. Perfect for a night out on the fairly small sized town!

But of course, nerdy English-Lit teacher Beth had to bee-line for the bookstore called 'Magical Manuscripts' the moment she had seen the enormous, wood carved sign.

"OH MY GOSH!" Beth had squealed, abandoning her husband as she darted off through the aisles of books in the deceptively small looking store. And Isaac had to admit, at least it looked like a book store should, and not some retail store. Minutes passed in relative silence he roamed the nearly emtpy store.

"HONEY! Oh, there you are! Look what I found! I just HAD to buy it!" Beth said, running up to him with a large, leather-bound book in her hands. It otherwise looked like a children's book, with a fantastical image of a blonde princess riding a brown horse against a pink and purple lake, a huge castle looming in the background.

"Princess of the Lake? 'Join Isabella and her trusty steed as they seek to free the realm from the dread Water Mage and find true love?' C'mon Beth, arn't we a little old for that?" The IT admin frowned, but his wife was not to be deterred, not when she had that look on her face.

"Hush! Now get this, the girl at the check out said that every book in this store was written locally! And that each book would totally immerse us in the story and we'll have to finish it before we buy another one!"

"Beth, that's-" Isaac started, but he never got to finish as Beth opend the book and he was blinded by a flash of light!

Isaac could only see white, but he felt something changing his body! Hair shot out from his short-shaven head, his belly fat boiled away as he was suddenly tugged...'downward? And his butt groaned in pain as it flared out. And then suddenly he was sitting on a horse next to a lake! There was no one else around, but in the distance, fading in the twilight, was a huge castle! But most importantly, he was a WOMAN! With boobs and blonde hair and a big ass and...and...Oh god, his dick was gone! And was that lipstick he tasted on his lips! But before he could panic, the horse he was sitting on began to whinny and snort!

"Woah! Easy there! Easy! God, first I've got tits now I'm on some dumb horse!" Isaac let out a feminine grunt as he held onto the leathery reins with his tiny hands, "BETH! BETH WHERE ARE YOU!?"  He called out in his new, high pitched and girly sounding voice. Beneath him, the horse stopped struggling. It took Isaac a moment, but suddenly realization dawned on him.

"Oh god, is that you, Beth?" He asked, his new voice quiet as a whisper.

"The horse bobbed it's head up and down and let loose a long, pathetic whinny as it pawed the lakeside soil with a hoof. The horse threw its head repeatedly towards the castle and began slowly, carefully walking towards it.

"Oh no. Oh no! Are you telling me we have to...LIVE out the story before we can change back!?" Isaac gasped, causing his breasts to heave upwards. Beth simply grunted in response as she kept moving forward. "Well this is just great!" The former man whined, trying to ignore the constant jiggling of his new flesh and the quiet 'plops' as Beth's new male equipment flopped from side to side with each step. He had just wanted some romance, not to end up some woman in a bland sounding fantasy world fighting some wizard! And what was that about true love? Oh god, what if he was supposed to fall in love with some idiot knight!?

Forget fairy tale, this was a horror story! 



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