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Again, my apologies for the delay.


It had been just another day in the big city. Cody, a delivery van driver, was just getting off of work with the rest of his coworkers and friends, all of them eager to spend a Friday evening in a bar somewhere. After all, they had all survived the Bimbodemic, and even a year later felt the desire to treat themselves every Friday evening with a night out on the town. They were survivors, after all. Ever since the world had neutralized the strange virus, spending every day as if it was their last had become something of a new cultural trend with the younger generation of workers. Even if there were SO many new, gorgeous women that had once been men, women and even children now working for free practically everywhere. The poor bitches, most were no better than slaves and too dumb to realize it, their only use to society now that the virus that had created them had been neutralized and the world population inoculated so that-A deafening sound drowned out everything else as the entire city came to a stop. A several shapes, moving too fast to truly be visible, roared downward from the sky and began crashing into the streets and the buildings that population downtown. But they didn't explode into ball of fire and death. No, what came next was far more terrible than just a simple explosion.

"Oh God, run! RUN!" Cody yelled at his friends as he saw the bright pink explosion erupt in the middle of the city...And the fast moving wave of neon pink and purple smoke that began flooding the streets.

"IN HERE! HERE!" Cody and his friends dashed past the panicked crowds of people fleeing the coming wall of pretty fog...And the sex horrors that were racing out of it, massive boobs jiggling in the wind as the sounds of screams began to be interlaced with sensual moaning. The delivery boy practically dove into the nearest subway as the clouds passed by over them for a moment before funneling down into the transit station.

"GET IN! CLOSE THE DOORS!" Cody screamed as he and two of his friends reached the waiting subway train. A split second later the doors slid shut and the train began moving down the tracks into the tunnel, with Cody left to stare in horror as the clouds transformed every single person it touched, including his friend Tom, into top-heavy, dull-eyed women who lept on the unchanged and began kissing them. Tom herself threw her new body against the doors she had failed to enter and smeared her new lipstick all over the glass as she tried to pry the doors open. And then the train was moving down the tunnel, the bimbos chasing behind it rapidly fading into the darkness.

"God, that was close! Is everyone here?" cody called out, and was sad to see that of the group of seven people he had been with, only four remained. Brady, Eugene, Laura, and himself. And the subway train full of terrified strangers.

"They got Max!" Laura wailed, staring, tears streaming down her face, at the bright lipstick mark on the subway window, the only remaining trace of the buxom brunette her husband had become. Brady was already comforting the devastated new widow, broad arms wrapped her petite frame as he tried to guide her away from the window and over to the far side of the subway car.


Similar tragedies were playing out all over the subterranean locomotive. A new orphan had been shoved onto the train by his former parents at the last moment. A young mother clutching at a small teddy bear. A husband desperately dialing his wife and getting nothing in return. An elderly couple sat silently holding hands after witnessing the bimbotization of their entire family, down to their grandchildren. It was the horrors of war, made very, very real. But at least they were moving. Cody had read about the bimbo bombs, and while the gas was deadly it eventually faded and the virus within became inert. After that it was just a case of keeping ahead of the bimbo swarms, and they could simply stay in the subway until they reached a clear zone farther out. But then the Subway train rocked violently, sending a wave of confused murmurs through the crowd of survivors and Cody felt the train begin to slow. They were in the car immediately behind the operator's cabin, so Cody pushed his way through the crowd and into the small car.

 "Hey, what gives!? We need to keep going, not slow down! Those Bimbs could catch up!" Cody roared as he flung open the cabin door, but he froze at the scene in front of him. Outside, the darkness of the tunnel was broken by a shaft of light from the ruined ceiling above; the roof of the tunnel having been caved in by another explosion…and through it flowed the silent doom that was the neo purple and pink gas. It wormed it’s way around the train as the terrible cloud filled the subway tunnel.

“I can move the train man! There’s rock and shit all over the tracks! We gotta sit here until someone comes to save us!” The operator replied, pointing towards the barely visible debris from the ruined tunnel ceiling. But the African-American man froze in place, his eyes going wide as he realized what was happening. From a crack in the view shield, a thin tendril of gas was snaking itself in and curling, almost seductively, around the operator’s index finger. The train operator let out a yelp and threw himself against the far side of the cabin as his skin began to turn a shade lighter as the changes began.

"Hel-help me!" The man begged in his rapidly raising voice, but there was nothing Cody could do.

 Cody watched in terrified fascination as the tall man's body shrank by half of its height, the man's uniform melting away into lingerie as his torso exploded outward, voluminous breasts surging forward against the new bra. The man's hips popped and snapped as they swelled outwards and a massive ass pushed against the frilly purple fabric that now cradled his new flesh. His thighs swelled with fat as his skin cleared and smoothed, and black hair fell down to the small of his back as new lips plumped up. The man's feminine eyes locked with Cody, and the delivery driver saw the intelligence drain from the operator's eyes. In just a few seconds the large African American man had become a curvy Latina!


"Mmm... Como hola chico grande... ¡Mamá necesita un hombre!" She purred, and with a terrifying moan, lurched towards Cody, her lips puckered as her curves jiggled, sending the slow leak of bimbo gas spinning in dramatic fashion.


Cody stumbled backwards and slammed the cabin door shut right as the bimbo pounced, her sexy body pressed hard against the flimsy door as she smeared lipstick across the window. Behind him, the survivors on the train began to panic at the sight, and then at the sight of the bimbo gas creeping across the train.


"Everyone just stay calm! Stay calm!" Cody roared, trying to keep the stirring crowd from rioting, "We just need to hold out until the gas settles! Then we can..." the delivery driver's attempt to rally the crowd faded away as curvy shapes began darting through the glowing fog outside, and tiny, manicured hands beating on the windows. The bimbos had caught up with them!


A scream that turned into a lustful moan came from another car, and that broke what little courage the survivors had as pure anarchy erupted. A window shattered as a man tried to bail out and make a run for it, only to be pulled into the cleavage filled darkness. Gas began to swirl into the cabin as men, women and children began spasming, the changes overtaking their bodies and minds. Cody watched as Brady and Laura became a heaving, top heavy blonde and a short stacked redhead making out on the seat, while Eugene had simply disappeared. Cody fell to the floor of the Subway car and pressed himself against the conductor cabin as hard as he could...but then his blood ran cold as he felt it give way. He fell backwards and stared upwards as the large, pouty lips of the former train operator lowered towards him with a satisfied moan.

It was with that moment that Humanity's own hate and greed had inevitably turned against itself once more. The Bimbodemic, strange as it was, was only the precursor to what was to come as in the year since the end of the sexy plague, the wealthiest (or desperate) nations of the world had reverse engineered the virus and created a dangerous new kind of warfare. Why kill when you can simply convert? And with that, what history would call World War B had begun...



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