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As with the previous Pin-Up stories, this was mainly written with ChatGPT simply because I was running out of time and really, really tired.


The morning sun cast its golden glow across a pristine Gotham City, transforming it into a vision of elegance and affluence. The streets, spotless and lined with manicured trees, were bustling with the hum of luxury vehicles gliding effortlessly along the roads. In the midst of this idyllic setting, a sleek, silver sports car sat parked on the edge of an expansive driveway in front of an opulent mansion.

Inside the driver’s seat, a young woman with short black hair and strikingly elegant features stared in bewilderment at her reflection in the rearview mirror. She was dressed in a stylish, tailored outfit, her beauty accentuated by the designer clothes that hugged her lithe frame. Her transformation from the brooding Batman to the refined Bryce Wayne was complete, and she struggled to process the reality of her new appearance.

As she marveled at her reflection, the phone on the dashboard rang, breaking the silence of the luxurious car. The name “Martha & Thomas Wayne” flashed on the screen. Bryce hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with confusion. How could her parents be calling her? They had been dead for years in her true reality.

Swallowing her disbelief, she answered the call. “Hello?”

“Good morning, Bryce!” Martha Wayne’s voice was warm and familiar, yet carried an undertone of something almost surreal. “How are you enjoying your first day?”

Bryce blinked, trying to wrap her mind around the situation. “This... this can’t be real. You’re both... alive?”

“Yes, dear,” Thomas Wayne’s voice joined the conversation, soothing and reassuring. “We’re alive and well in this reality. This is your new home for the next 63 days.”

“New home?” Bryce repeated, her confusion deepening. “What is this place?”

“It’s a pocket reality created just for you,” Martha explained gently. “Gotham City here is perfect—no crime, no poverty, just a beautiful, wealthy life. You’re free to experience a young adulthood that you never had in your true reality. We want you to enjoy yourself.”

Bryce’s mind was reeling. “But why? And how? This doesn’t make sense. I need to find a way out of here.”

“We understand this is overwhelming,” Thomas said with a note of sympathy. “But no matter what you think, this is your reality for now. You’re Bryce Wayne, and you’re meant to experience this life. Just try to embrace it. We’re here with you.”

As the call ended, Bryce sat in stunned silence. The reality around her was too perfect, too constructed. The pristine city, the luxurious mansion, and now her loving parents—everything was surreal. She attempted to locate any signs of malfeasance or escape routes but found only benevolence and extravagance. The more she searched, the more she was met with affluence and ease.

Reluctantly, she decided to “play along,” believing that if she fully embraced this life of a wealthy socialite, perhaps the being that called itself ‘God’ would reveal himself, giving her a chance to escape.

The days turned into weeks, and Bryce Wayne’s life became a whirlwind of high society events. She attended extravagant balls, elegant opera performances, and indulged in thrilling drives through the city in her sports car. Shopping sprees for the finest clothing, jewelry, and accessories became routine, as did spending quality time with her seemingly perfect parents. The luxury and attention that once seemed alien slowly became a source of joy and relaxation.

Bryce’s initial skepticism began to wane as she found herself genuinely enjoying the pleasures of her new life. The feeling of pure, unburdened happiness was something she hadn’t experienced in years. Her parents were loving and supportive, and the city around her was nothing short of a dream.

As the final day of her 63-day vacation approached, Bryce stood on the balcony of Wayne Manor, gazing out at the breathtaking view of the city. The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the tranquil scene. Her parents joined her, their presence a comforting anchor in this ephemeral paradise.

“I can’t believe it’s ending,” Bryce said softly, her voice tinged with both sadness and contentment. “I don’t want to go back to my old life. I’d rather stay here, as Bryce Wayne, forever.”

Martha and Thomas exchanged a knowing glance before Martha placed a gentle hand on Bryce’s shoulder. “Bryce, my dear, we know how hard it is to leave something you’ve come to cherish. But remember, no matter where you go or who you are, we will always love you.”

Thomas nodded, his expression tender. “And we are proud of you, always. Whether you’re Batman or Bryce Wayne, you have a place in our hearts. This paradise was a gift, but you must return to your true self, to fulfill your destiny.”

Tears glistened in Bryce’s eyes as she hugged her parents tightly. “I love you both so much. Thank you for this incredible time.”

As the final moments of the pocket reality approached, the beauty of the city and the warmth of her parents began to fade. Bryce felt a peculiar sensation, as if her entire being was being drawn back through a tunnel of shifting light. The balcony, the sunset, and the lavish manor dissolved into the background, replaced by the familiar skyline of Gotham City.

She reappeared on the rooftop of Wayne Enterprises, her body shifting back to its original form. The powerful presence of Batman was restored, and the sleek sports car, the opulent mansion, and the idyllic cityscape were gone. Instead, she stood in the cold night air, the true Gotham City sprawled beneath her.

Wonder Woman was waiting on the rooftop, her gaze steady as she saw Batman materialize beside her. The transition was seamless, and the once elegant Bryce Wayne was now the formidable Batman, back in his familiar costume.

The being who had orchestrated the vacation appeared once more, his smile gentle but carrying a hint of finality. “Welcome back, Batman.”

As the words echoed in the cool night air, Batman looked around, his mind still reeling from the extraordinary experience. He had been given a brief respite from his endless vigilance, a chance to be someone else, to live a life of peace and joy. And now, as he stood beside Wonder Woman, he felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to return to his duties with a heart touched by the fleeting happiness he had experienced.



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