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This is actually a prequel to Always The Bridesmaid but I couldn't think of a title that had it being a prequel while still referencing the original. So...Part 2 it is. I've included the first part just in case anyone needs to refresh on the story.


Lori sighed as she watched Harry, er, HEATHER (she had to remind herself that was her ex's new name now) fell into the arms of ANOTHER guy at yet ANOTHER party. She had certainly meant to get revenge on the man that had left her at the altar...But she was NOT expecting HER to be this much of a horny handful! This wasn't even a 'hook up' party! It was a house warming of all things!

A month ago, Lori had transformed her former fiancee into the little blonde bimbo for leaving her at the altar for one of her bridesmaids! She was certain it was the best punishment, but now the young witch wasn't so sure as she seemed to be spending ALL of her time playing chaperone for the little idiot! She thought that this would be an EASY outing where she didn't have to worry about this!

"Wow, you are like, SO funny!" Heather giggled as she then began to make out with the guy. Who even was he, anyway? It didn't really matter, being at this part was so much fun!

Lori just took another deep gulp of champagne as she rolled her eyes. There was a part of her that hated the fact that she was simply too nice of a person to simply be the bitter, vindictive ex and had stuck around to make sure Heather didn't end up in an abusive relationship or, y'know, dead from being too stupid to breath or know how to be a woman. Especially after finding out that the reality altering magic spell had dumped Heather into a job as a stripper! The magic had erased Harry from existence to everyone else as well, so the only reminders of the failed relationship was Lori's stubborn insistence on what everyone else saw as 'babying' her 'rooommate'. For the past month she'd been walking her new 'bestie' through all the aspects of womanhood. How to put on makeup, how to do her hair, how to dress and dealing with the 'monthly visitor'... But as Lori watched Heather very quickly go from First Base to rounding Third, she realized she had NOT taught the new woman how to do THAT.

"Ugh, c'mon Heather!" Lori groaned as she pulled the two apart with an almost audible 'pop' as their lips unlocked. "Sorry" She said, flashing a fake apologetic look at the stunned man before dragging her charge off to another room.

"Aw, but Lori, he's, like, totes a cutie!" Heather giggled as she allowed herself to be dragged away from her man. And he tasted good too!

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Listen, where did you learn how to kiss like that!? You were never that great of a kisser for ME!" Lori grumbled as she closed the door to the room. It was true, Harry had been something of a sub-par kisser, but all that lip-locking she had just seen...That was from someone who was a total pro!

"Um, I dunno..." Heather said in a sing-song voice, but the look on her face suggested otherwise. But all it took was a stern look from Lori before the blonde started giggling again. "Like, Stacy from the club was totes telling me ALL about how to make out with guys!"

"Damnit Stacy!" That girl was a such bad influence on her ex! "Okay, fine. But I think it's time for another lesson in being a girl: Don't go all the way to Third Base five minutes after meeting a guy!"



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