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Seems like Patreon is making the image blurry for some reason. You'll need to full view for this one. Hopefully it's just a minor hiccup.

My apologies for the delay, there was a LOT of storm damage in my area and I'm just now getting power and Internet service back. Luckily I didn't lose anything since I wisely uplugged all of my electronics before the storm hit, but still the delay was pretty unbearable. I finished this as fast as I could so I could get it out to you guys.

Anyway, something a little different this time. Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that Midjourney is SO GOOD at everything else...I'd probably go with a different AI program to make images with because trying to get anything that might be fetish-centric is crazy hard to do. Shrunken women especially.


It was a sunny Saturday morning in the town of Whitewood when Emma stumbled upon a quaint little coffee shop called 'Enchanted Brews' that was tucked between the Cauldron's bookstore and the novelty store. The fitness instructor had just moved to to the town and was geting a lay of the land, seeing what neat stores that the town had to offer. Even from here the scent of freshly ground coffee beans beckoned her inside. With a smile, Emma walked towards the glass door and swung in open. As she entered, the bell above the door tinkled softly. The interior of the shop was warm and inviting, with wooden shelves lined with an array of exotic coffee blends. Behind the counter stood an elderly woman with twinkling eyes and a mischievous smile.

“Good morning, dear!” the old woman greeted, her voice crackling with age and warmth. “What can I get for you today?”

Emma scanned the shelves, her eyes darting from the enormous selection of glass containers that held all sorts of coffee beans that ranged from the rather normal...to the tantalizingly exotic. There was one in particular that caught her eyes; 'Lilliputian Blend'. Intrigued, she pointed to it. “I’ll have a bag of that, please.”

The old woman’s smile widened. “Ah, an excellent choice! Give me a moment, these old bones don't move as quick as they used to". the old woman tottered over and pulled a sturdy looking step-ladder out from under the counter and took several uneasy steps upwards on it that made Emma incredibly nervous. But soon the old woman returned to the ground and poured the creamy colored coffee beans into a small paper bag. "Here you go! Please, enjoy! But just remember this, the more you drink the more it will enlarge your world...And you'll need to finish whatever you pour out before you'll return to your original...perspective”

Emma chuckled, assuming the woman was playing along with the shop’s whimsical theme. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, handing over a few bills. And then she was off, back out into the near-summer morning of her new home. It was such a fascinting place! And so vibrant! Between the thriving (if a little eccentric) local stores and the college, Emma was confident that she had made the right choice in moving here instead getting an apartment closer to the gym where she would be working. With her new coffee in hand, Emma returned to her small, cozy little home near the town's edge. She lived alone (until she met the right somone), and wanted to get used to the new place before getting a pet. So while lovely and homey and an excellent view of the small bay the town was built around, Emma had to admit that it did feel a little lonely...But that would change soon enough as she fell into the rhythm of her new life out here in Whitewood. For now she was just going to enjoy the peace and quiet of her little sanctuary...With a warm cup of coffee. Emma filled her favorite mug; an oversized, hand-painted ceramic piece that she'd picked up years before at another hole-in-the-wall store in her hometown before boiling water and brewing the coffee. The rich aroma filled her kitchen, and she couldn’t help but feel a little excited at trying the strange (and hopefully good) brew. Finally it was ready, the dark brown liquid steaming within the coffee pot, just waiting for her. After carefully pouring a mug-full, the fitness instructor took a tentative sip and let out a moan of delight; it was good! REALLY good! She took another sip, and then another! The warm liquid flowed into her stomach and Emma could feel it begin to spread across her body. She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, feeling satisfied and entirely content. She never realized that she was a few inches shorter...or that she was getting shorter by the moment! Emma finally realized that something felt off when a feeling of vertigo washed over her, and she opened her eyes to see the edge of the table hurtling past her face! Thinking she was falling, she reached out and grabbed the edge (which was rapidly becoming too large for her shockingly small hands) and she felt herself suddenly dangling over the cavernous abyss that was the gap between her chair and the floor!

"Oh god!" Her tiny voice cried out and, with all the strength she could muster, Emma pulled herself over the edge of the table and lay there, gasping from the exertion as the ceiling of her home moved farther and farther away from her! Finally her breath seemed to catch up with her, and she pulled herself, shakily, onto her two tiny feet. “What the hell?” she squeaked, her voice a tiny whisper against the almost overpowering silence of her apartment. She...She was SMALL! "H-HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?" She screamed as loud as she could as she stared down at her tiny body, not realizing that even her loudest scream was little more than a tinny buzz now, due to her size. She had to be...Oh god, she was an INCH tall! Emma looked around in bewilderment, her tiny heart racing as her even smaller eyes stared out and UP at all the things that just moments ago had been so small and normal sized! The laminated surface of the table stretched out before her like an immense plain, while fridge and cabinets loomed in the distance like megastructures from some fantasy novel! And the coffee mug that had certainly caused all this, it loomed next to the shrunken fitness instructor like a white monolith. Even from here Emma could feel the heat radiating from it's surface, heated by the clearly magical brew within.

The old woman’s warning echoed in her mind: “The more you drink the more it will enlarge your world...And you'll need to finish whatever you pour out before you'll return to your original...perspective”.

Emma looked down at her incredibly tiny body and then around at the impossibly enormous kitchen she was now trapped in and tried not to pass out as the implication that she might NEVER return to normal size flooded her mind. She was an nch tall! How the FUCK was she supposed to drink the rest of the coffee if she could even get to it!? And the fact that she was new in town and lived alone...She'd be long, long dead before anyone came to check on her! And if a spider or something didn't eat her first, would they even notice her tiny, shriveled little corpse huddled next to the coffee mug? Or what if she accidentally fell off the table? Emma carefully crawled towards the abyssal drop off and stared down at the floor, now comparetively miles away from her. Oh god, there'd be nothing left of her! The inch tall woman scooted away from the edge and curled up in a little ball as her eyes began to tear up. She...She was trapped! But after a few minutes of ugly crying she wiped the snot from her nose and rose to her tiny feet, glaring upwards.

"Fuck this! I paid for that coffee, I'm gonna finish it and get back to normal!" The fitness instructor growled, and with renewed purpose, pulled herself up into the handle of her previously favorite mug as she began carefully making her way up to the top. Once she got there, she'd just have to be careful not to fall in! Of course, that was IF she got there...



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