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The women on the beach let out a collective groan of annoyance and dismay as Sam stepped out of his car and onto the sand. He was a known womanizer and harasser, the entire point of him going to the beach was to stare at all the women and then sometimes cop a feel by 'accidentally' falling on them, or bumping into them...Or whatever excuse the asshole could come up with. Some of the female population of the beach begana packing up their things, choosing to simply leave than spending the day dealing with his bullshit.

"Aw, c'mon ladies, where you going!?" Sam hollered as he propped his beach chair onto the sand, making sure to stare directly at the boobs of whichever ones passed closest to him. God, he LOVED boobs so much! But now all these sexy, uptight bitches were ruining his day by up and leaving him? Didn't they know that their entire purpose was to plese him? It was literally what women were made for! Or so he would tell himself (and anyone that confronted him about it). Maybe he'd get lucky and find some beach newbie that hadn't had the pleasure yet and take back to his apartment for some wild sex (or so he claimed) and then dump her ass on the curb! That's when Sam spotted her; a chick with a HUGE rack, wearing a one piece bathing suit and huge glasses. She was a little on the older ide, probably somewhere in her 50s, but DAMN, that body was rocking! Along with that blonde hair and noticeable lack of wrinkles? Whoever this broad was, she could pass for thirty! And he couldn't see a wedding ring (not that it would have stopped him), so that meant she was single!

The misogynist secured his chair in the sand and began marching over to his acquired target, being sure to scope out and ladies he passed on the way. Older MILFs, Cougars, were some of the best. They were so desperate for a man in their life and the sex that he didn't even have to put on the nice guy act! As he got closer, he could see that she was even better looking up close!

"Hey there, gorgeous!" Sam called out, loud enough to be heard over the sound of the waves. "How bout you and I go put the saying that 'sex is better when you're older' saying to the test!" He stood there with a cocky grin on his face as his eyes wandered up and down the woman's mature body, expecting either a flirty comeback or the sigh of annoyance he'd come to recognize, but the woman didn't even bother glancing at him, her green eyes focused entirely on the old book she was reading.

The woman didn’t even glance at him. She simply walked past, her eyes focused on the leather-backed book in front of her. Sam's cocky grin faltered for a moment but her recovered quickly. "Come on, let's not be shy. I've got a nice spot, plenty of room for two, even with tits that big!" Again the woman ignored him, and this time's Sam grin faded away entirely, replaced by scowl of annoyance, "What's your problem, lady?" he growled "What, can't you hear me? Are you deaf, you old ass cow!?" That, however, seemed to finally get the woman's attention, and Sam smirked as she turned her head and stared him straight in the eye. Despite having more than enough experience with rejection and getting women pissed at him, this time however Sam felt a chill involuntarily shoot down his spine as the emerald orbs glared upwards at him.

"Quite the opposite" The woman's voice was melodic, but carried a sinister undertone to it as she slowly closed the heavy book and rose to her feet, "In fact, I've heard quite a bit about you, Sam. You come here and make everyone on this beach miserable, and I'm going to give you one chance to take back all your remarks, not just about me, but about all the women you've harassed over the past three years" Sam had to look UP now, the woman standing a full head higher than he was tall. She didn't look that big from a distance...And how had she known his name? But then the disruptive asshole shook off the feeling of intimidation.

"Oh please, you bitches wouldn't come here if you DIDN'T want to be stared at! The whole point of you being sexy is for guys like me to stare at for as long as we want!" Sam stuck a finger upwards at the woman, whose expression had changed from a deep scowl to a look of utter fury, "So get with the fucking program, grandma, and shake those tits or get back to the nursing home!"

"You like big tits, do you, Sam? Well, get a good look while you can, buster!" The woman snapped her fingers and a bright green light suddenly flashed! Sam winced in pain, staggering backwards as he put a hand up to protect his sensitive visual organs. The green flash only seemed to get worse as color began to drain from the world around him! The sand went from a brilliant light gold to white! The sky overhead went from deep blue to gray! And around him the gathered collections of bathing suits began to lose all thier vibrancy as the color drained from every aspect of Sam's world. And was it getting dark or something? Sam looked up with throbbing eyes, expecting to see the woman standing in front of the sun or a cloud, but there was nothing but the empty gray sky and the white ball of fire that dominated it...Even if that ball was beginning to fade away into darkness.

"Y-you bitch! What did you do to me!?" Sam roared as his vision disappeared entirely, trapping him in a black void. He could still feel the hot summer breeze, hear the crash of the ocean waves and feel the sun on his skin, but he couldn't see any of it! He was...oh god, he was blind!

"Hope you appreciated all the staring you did. You won't be doing much of it anymore, Sammy boy!" The woman crooned as she circled the flailing, blinded man as she admired her handiwork. Justice had been done, cruel as it might have been...But was it enough? Being blind didn't mean the pig had learned his lesson. If anything, being blind might give him even more of an excuse to grope up women, once he adapted. The thought of his hands pressing up against some poor woman's boobs and playing it off as his disability fueled the fire within and she got a wonderful, terrible idea. She grinned evily as she brought her fingers together once more, watching Sam stagger about for a moment before she snapped once more.

"Ugh!" Sam grunted as he felt something sharp and...tingly? enter his back! For a moment he worried he'd been shot, but the tingling feeling quickly spread across his body. Maybe...Maybe the crazy woman had had a change of heart! Maybe his sight was coming back! Sam's hopes raised for a brief moment before the tingling feeling turned to pain, and the suffering misogynist felt two VERY large things push violently out of his chest! They pulled his torso forward, which only caused them to hang even lower, his back already flaring with pain as he struggled to pull himself back upright. Then there was a sharp pinch betwen his legs and suddenly...he didn't feel anything at all! "Oh god!" Sam cried out, his sightless eyes going wide as he heard how...girly his voice was! There was slithering feeling as his swimming trunks stretched upwards, covering his hairless body and bringing some minor relief as it pulled the heavy sacks on his chest upwards and tucked them behind the thin fabric, allowing Sam to pull himself...herself upright once more.

"There we go, since you like big tits so much, you can have a pair of your own to fondle whenever you want!" The woman cackled from somewhere in the dark. Sam spun on a newly shrunken heel but her new centers of gravity quickly flung her to the ground. "Aw, poor dear. It must be so hard to be blind at the beach! Here, let's help you out just a little bit more..." The woman's voice was sweet as butter...and laced with venom. Another snap of those awful fingers and Sam felt something long and hard materialize in her hands, and something small, metallic and light settle on her ears and nose. The new woman reached upwards with a shaky hand and felt the tell-tale frame of a pair of glasses resting on her face...And what had to be some kind of walking stick in her hands! Oh god, now she must actually LOOK like she was a blind woman! A blind woman with what6 had to be a enormous pair of boobs!

"P-Please! I-I've learned my lesson! PLEASE CHANGE ME BACK! I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING!" Sam wailed in her new voice as she pushed herself back to her feet, her new guide cane supporting her weight for a moment. "I CAN'T BE A WOMAN!" She screeched, the guide cane swinging wildly in the air as she struggled to make find where the woman...where the witch was.

"But being blind is okay? Oh Samantha, you're such a mess!" The witch cackled, and Sam swore that the voice came from all directions at once. There was no way she could know for certain, not until, or if, she ever got her eyesight back.

Sam stumbled over her feet once and almost face-planted in the sand before catching her balance, wobbling back and forth as she desperately sought to balance herself and her new assets. She stuck the guiding cane out and began sweeping it back and forth, one arm outstretched as she tried to escape the nightmare. "P-please!" She whimpered once more.

"Oh Sammy bo-err, girl! I'm afraid you didn't listen when I gave you a chance! Now you'll have no choice but to get good at listening!" The cackle was like nails on a chalkboard, and then it was gone, leaving Sam, the blind, busty woman, alone on the beach.



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