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A long format caption. This story kept getting away from me before I finally took the lazy man's way out and truncated the ending. This one may be a bit abrupt, but it's better than an overly dramatic spiral. Larger font as well for your easier to read pleasure.

Hope you enjoy it.

And just as a little bit of a update, the final chapter of The Ahn'Ger Stone isn't going up this weekend. I'm just resigning myself to working on it when I work on it.


Carl and Isaac stepped off the plane and both of them took a large, deep breath of the warm, tropical air. They had been the two lucky officer managers attending a business conference in Hawaii! The men from Idaho weren't best friends or anything but neither one of them was going to pas up an all expense paid trip to a tropical paradise! Especially to a resort and not just some cheap hotel! The only problem was they had to share a room...And that the conferences were keeping them inside all day until it was too late to enjoy the beaches. And sitting in horrible chairs all day under buzzing flourescent lighting listening to a bunch of bureacratic nonsense had left them mentally exhausted to take part in the night-life of the main island. Overall, they Carl and Isaac were NOT having a great time.

"What was the point of even HAVING a conference out here if they're just going to make us sit in a bunch of windowless rooms all day?" Carl groaned as he flopped on the cheap bed while Isaac exited the small bathroom. The men hadn't expected luxury room arrangements but the hotel the conference was staying at was cheap and no frills.

"I'm sure it's some rich asshole making sure the company looks good from the outside. 'All expense paid business trips to Hawaii!'!" Isaac slipped off his shoes and sat on the edge of his bed as he massaged his aching back, "What a bunch of bullshit. Honestly I just should have stayed home but nooo, just haaad to jump at the offer..."

"Yeah, no fucking kidding there" Carl muttered in agreement. He pulled out his phone and began a long rant to his family about how awful things had turned out to be.

The two men sat in pained (mostly) silence for a moment, listening to the conversations in the paper-thin walls and the sounds of people moving up and down the hallway outside their door. Eventually they'd have to go get something to eat, paying their own money (as 'all expenses paid' meant so long as you used the hotel or the conference center's dismal and cheap offerings), but for now the two of them just took a moment to be miserable. Carl's phone buzzed as the group text between his wife and his two sons continued on. It had been like that almost the entire time they'd been here, his two kids and wife prattling on ina group text about some domestic garbage or whatnot and had honestly kept him up last night...and had woken him up early. Isaac was more content to just tell his own wife what a pain the trip had been when they got home. Which wouldn't be for another three days...Which were going to suck, unfortunately.

"Bit of a, uh, conversation you've got going on there" Isaac said, pointing at Carl's phone when the other man looked over at him.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Just telling the wife about this place. The boys are playing around with some app they found" Carl sat up in the bed, tapped his phone again and then shifted the screen towards his roommate, "See? Little shits are saying it 'grants wishes' and they're pretending they used to girls. They're driving their mom nuts. I think I'd know if I had a couple of daughters, heh. They keep begging me to 'use my wish' to change them back" Carl let out a chuckle, "What a couple of morons!"

Isaac took the phone and scanned the app page that Carl had opened with weary eyes, all while it continued to buzz with a flurry of incoming texts. "Wishers.Org, huh? Sounds like a name for some end of life charity or something" He said as he scrolled across the app's rather sparse and lakcing information. There was information, mainly about what wishes were and were not allowed, something about money but no pictures...And no reviews? What kind of app didn't have any reviews? It must have been a virus thing or something. But maybe if it got Carl's phone to stop buzzing...

"Hey, let's give it a go" Isaac said, handing the phone back to his kinda-friend with a forced smile.

"What, really? You believe those two goofballs?" Carl's voice and expression was incredulous.

"Yeah. Let's wish that we were here on vacation and really able to enjoy it!" Isaac's smile tingled a bit after a full down of frowning at all the presenters and speakers at the conference. Just let this moron be gullible enough so that it bricked his phone.

"Well, I guess...Then I can tell the boys to shut up and stop pretending to be girls I guess. Okay..." Carl clicked on the app's download button and the two men waited in an awkward silence, punctuated only by the constant buzzing of incoming text messaging. "Okay, done. So, uh, I gotta push this button...Okay, so uh, we gotta SAY the wish into the phone for it to, grant it. I'm not sure if I want to give some app a recording of my voi-"

"Oh, I'll do it" Isaac said, reaching for the phone and swiping it out of Carl's hands. The other man rose, his face twsting in anger.

"I wish that Carl and Isaac, in Room 63 of this hotel, were in a wonderful high end resort here on the island and that we were fully enjoying this vacation without having to work or pay for anything and that we didn't feel exhausted!" Isaac hissed into the phone, turning from Carl as he rose from the bed. And then the app dinged and there was a sudden flash of blue light from the phone screen!

Isaac felt his body getting...smaller? Lighter? The aches and pains from sitting in chairs all day faded away as a bubbling sensation overtook him. He looked down to see shimmering particles swiftly traveling up his body! His large socked feet vanished, replaced by...tiny ones that had nail paint on them? And his slacks were disappearing, leaving youthful, smooth and flawless skin in place of his formerly hairy, slightly chunky thighs! And his pants had been completed replaced by something that looked like a skirt but wasn't...weren't those called sarongs? Then his white collared shirt began to disappear as his small beer belly was replaced by the same flawless looking skin...only bared to the world! The shimmering crept across his torso and her saw...were those BREASTS popping into existence on his body!? All cradled in a Pink swimsuit top!? The shimmering passed over his face and the world shifted while his vision was obscured...Before suddenly long brown hair was hanging in his vision, blocking his view of the large wooden deck and hot tub he was standing beside! They were near some lavish looking resort with a HUGE suite and it's doors behind them. And why was it day!? But then the changes finished, allowing Isaac to move once more.

"What...What the FUCK was that!?" He huffed, before his eyes went wide as he grabbed at his throat. He spun on a tiny heel and tumbled painfully ot the wooden deck as his new boobs and butt threw him entirely off balance, bringing him face to face with the teenage girl that was standing, hands out-stretched as Carl's had been, in the same spot Carl had been behind him! The two stared at each other for a long moment as the hot tub bubbled and the sound of tropical birds chittered and cried in the lush vegetation. Eventually though, the shock began to wear off.

"Oh...Oh my god! We're GIRLS!" Carl said, the pony-tailed former father cried out, "QUICK! GIVE ME THE PHONE!" He moved forward to grab the feminine pink phone in Isaac's hand, but the sarong he now also wore tangled in his new shorter legs, and with a feminine 'oof', Carl toppled over onto the busty teenage girl that Isaac had become!

"Get off me!" Isaac shouted in his new, high pitched voice as he struggled to untangle his new body. The two new girls grunted and shrieked in their new voices as they tried to find a hold on each other's new bodies. Tiny hands pressed against boobs and tugged and newly long hair while tiny feet kicked at taut stomachs and grazed empty voids where there had once been testicles.

"Girls! Carla! Isabella! I better not catch you out there fighting again!" Came an unknown female voice within the resort's lavish room, "We're on vacation! I swear, I've never seen two sisters fight as much as you two do!" The voice caused both of the girls to stop and turn towards the glass doors that led into the condo suite, their stunned and angry reflections gazing back at them with only a little distortion.

"S-sisters!?" The two new girls stopped their fighting and looked towards the condo, where their mostly un-distorted reflectiosn stared back at them. They looked so similar, they HAD to be sisters now! The two slowly untangled each other before sitting on the deck as Carl, or rather, Carla tapped furiously on her phone as she tried to pull the app back up.

"Access denied. Due to service issues only one free wish per entity is allowed!? I CAN'T BE STUCK LIKE THIS!" Carla wailed.

"Well, Look on the bright side" Isabella told her new sister, "At least we really are on a all expense paid vacation now..."



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