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This is the Pool option from the prompt poll a few weeks ago. And hey look, it's not Midjourney! I'm still going to use actual pictures for captions after all! :P


"Dude, I'm telling you, no one's there!" Leeland said as he and his brother stared at the huge mansion that sat perched on the tropical hills opposite of their resort. The lanky buzzcut 15 year old had been eying the place since his family had come to the resort island and he hadn't seen any movement around the place in days.

"Maybe, but we still have to GET there! And what if there's like, a security system or something? Don't rich people always have security guards?" Leeland's near-twin, Gene, said with a frown. Gene's fraternal twin was ALWAYS trying to get them into trouble with his hair-brained idea. This particular scheme that Leeland had dreamed up was sneaking into the walled off super-rich community across the bay from the resort their family was staying at on the island. They had been staying there for two weeks and every day Leeland had been scoping out each of the fabulous looking mansions with his binoculars under the (mostly true) excuse that he was checking out all the 'rich hotties'. But the one mansion, cream-colored modern style one that sat right across the bay from the resort, had been empty with no activity save for the random looking dude that had show up to toss chemicals into the lavish infinity pool that sat overlooking the tropical sea. And that was when Leeland had gotten his crazy ass idea; the two of them should sneak into the gated off community and go swimming before the vacation was over!

"Dude, it'll be a story we can tell our kids! We pulled some James Bond moves and hung out at a legit mansion! And how close we got to all those super fine chicks!" Leeland had said, his face wide with a stupid grin when he'd pulled Gene aside while the family was hanging out at the resort's beach.

"Yeah, and then we can tell them how we got arrested for trespassing and then how mom and dad killed us" Gene snarked off, but that hadn't been the end of it. The remaining days were nothing bue Leeland pestering Gene about it. Eventually, mainly just to keep his airheaded brother from doing anything too stupid, Gene had agreed.

Sneaking into the gated community hadn't been too hard. The large gate that kept it separated from the rest of the island was apparently controlled by each individual with no security guard in sight. So the two brothers had simply waited in the bushes nearby for a car to leave and had slipped in before the heavy iron bars had rolled shut once more. The carefully maintained streets of the community were largely empty; just immaculate mowed lawns stretching out in front of increasingly lavish homes that gave way to the sprawling mansions. So they'd been extra sneaky and clung to the shadows before eventually moving down to the rocky cliffs that most of the mansions were built upon. There wasn't a long fall into the ocean, but if one of their feet did slip from the extremely narrow path around the base of the barrier walls and support columns, well, there would be a significant amount of pain involved when they hit the water. But eventually they had made it, unscathed and unseen, to the mansion that Leeland had Gene about. The creamy walls were a little difficult to scale, but with each other's help both boys were finally standing on the luxurious patio between the infinity pool and the mansion's windowed backside. Again there were no security systems in sight, and no security guards hustling out to arrest them. That should have been the first sign that something was wrong, but Gene was simply too caught up in the adrenaline high of having actually pulled Leeland's plan off! 

"Dude, I TOLD you this would work!" Leeland beamed in his usual goofy grin which Gene couldn't help but return.

"Yeah yeah. C'mon, before your stupid loud ass actually DOEs get us caught!" The more wise of the twins said with a chuckle as the boys began to strip into their swimming trunks.

"Last one in is a loser!" Leeland yelled before taking off into a run. It was only then that Gene, partly into a sprint behind his brother, saw the sign. It was a flimsy collapsible sign, not much different than what the school janitor put out after mopping, leaned up against one of the huge and expensive looking lounge chairs, sitting in the shadow cast by the mansion in the early afternoon light. Ir read 'Caution: Experimental Chemicals at Work. Do NOT Swim'.

"Dude wai-" Was all Gene could get out as he stumbled to a stop, arm outstretched to grab his brother but it was too late. Leeland let out a whoop as he launched himself upward into the air, his lanky body curling into a ball as he fell towards the sparkling water. the last thing Gene saw before his brother vanished in a upward burst of water was the same stupid grin the boy had always worn. And then Leeland was gone, just a pink blob beneath the disturbed water. Gene's eyes were full of concern but he sighed in relief as his idiot of a brother began swimming about underwater; whatever chemicals were in the pool didn't seem to be doing anything. Maybe that's why the sign was mostly out of the way? Maybe the chemicals were no longer- But even as Gene thought it, his eyes widened as the pool's water began to sparkle around Leeland's body! The boy seemed to convulse violently, his blurry body shaking and thrashing beneath the sun lines.

Leeland seemed to shrink and expand at the same time, his gangly limbs seeming less long now as his arms and legs gained a layer of strange looking flab. His white swimming trunks actually snapped apart at the waist as his hips shot outwards and his butt swelled as well. Then Leeland doubled over into a tight ball before thrashing outward once more, two enormous orbs hanging heavily on him and pulling him down towards the bottom of the pool. The boy's buzzcut seemed to grow with each thrash of his head until Gene's twin was followed by a cloud of blonde hair. Gene wanted to jump in but something in the back of his mind kept him frozen as he watched his brother's blurry face seem to compact in on itself, his features turning decidedly...different. And then Leeland let out of large blob of air and rolled slowly over onto his stomach as his movements went still and his body limp. His padded, no longer lanky looking limbs floated heavily in the water, the blonde hair a lifeless cloud that obscured his face, the strange bags of flesh keeping him from floating to the surface of the pool while the remains of his white swimming trunks slowly orbited Leeland's body, the strips of fabric wrapping themselves curiously across his changed form.

"LEE!" Gene yelled, "OH GOD, SOMEONE HELP!" He cried out, his voice cracking with fear. But no one came. The mansion was empty, after all. But just as Gene was summoning the courage to go in after his brother, the otherwise still body let out a jerk, a spasm, and then began to swimming flawlessly through the water as if nothing had happened. The extremely curvy body Leeland now possessed slid through the treated water like a busty butterfly, the limbs moving with far more grace than Leeland ever possessed until Gene's somehow miraculously alive brother was pulling himself up the pool's ladder as he...or rather SHE, emerged from the water. The sound of rushing water and a sultry, breathy gasp filled the air as a incredibly hot and sexy woman moved up the ladder, her hair seemingly drying with each rung and makeup expertly applying itself to her face, lipstick coating puffy lips and eyeliner sliding in around large blue eyes that looked at Gene with an airheaded curiosity.

"Oh hey, are you, like, the new pool boy? I'm totes sorry for swimming and stuff, I just really like an afternoon dip!" The woman's voice dripped with sex appeal as she eyed the stunned Gene.

"...Le-Leeland?" Was all Gene could croak out after a few moments of starring at the complete knockout his brother had become.

"Huh? My name's, like, Layal! So are you like, the new poolboy or not?" She said, pulling herself entirely out of the pool and standing there in all of her sexy glory, the water glittering on her tanned skin like diamonds in the afternoon sun.

"N-no! Y-you're my brother!" Gene stammered as he tried to make sense of what had happened. Where was Leeland!? Why was this...this bimbo acting like she had no idea who he was!? Did those 'experimental chemicals' do this to his brother!?

"Well I don't LOOK like your brother...Umm, if you're not the poolboy then could you, like, totes do me a solid and get my back? I wanna work on my tan before my hubby gets back from his business trip! Unless you wanna, like, take a dip. The water's like, super fiiine!" The bimbo, Layla, said with a wink and a giggle, moving to playfully push Gene into the no longer ownerless pool.



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