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[X] Plan: That's No Moon

- [X] Fleet:

-- [X] TKK MothaShip

--- [X] Red Sun Security

-- [X] Valiant, Accomplishment (first assignment), Delivery (first assignment), Spirit of Toxel (first assignment), Emissary (first assignment), Endeavour-B (first assignment)

--- [X] Drydock

-- [X] Resistance, Accomplishment (second assignment), Delivery (second assignment), Spirit of Toxel (second assignment), Emissary (second assignment)

--- [X] CPU Moon Assault

-- [X] Endeavour-B (second assignment)

--- [X] New Dawn Extraction

-[X] EXP 173/173

-- [X] Operations Division 0/50 --> 50/25

--- [X] TKK Endeavour-B

--- [X] TKK Resistance

-- [X] Naklis Arms Factories 0/25 --> 25/25

-- [X] BlokBot Armies 0/15 --> 15/15

-- [X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity 0/25 --> 8/25

-- [X] Fleet Railfort 0/25 --> 25/25 -- home system defense improved

-- [X] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +1 Nuclear Material, +2 Khimer Reputation

-- [X] Yr Albain Gem Shipment 0/15 --> 15/15 -- -1 Nuclear Material, +FTH, +Yr Albain Reputation?

-[X] CUL 148/148

-- [X] Iron Shores Necroverse 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 AutoVessel Influence, +1 AutoFacility Influence, +3 Auton Reputation, Marjak's dead body fixation is satisfied

-- [X] Illusion Matrix 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +CUL

-- [X] DazzleCubes 2/15 --> 15/15

-- [X] BlokBot Sales 0/25 --> 25/25 + EXP, + Yr Albain Reputation?

-- [X] Winterspite Outpost Guard Contract 0/40 --> 40/40 -- +3 Winterspite Kabal Reputation

-- [X] Frontier Security Force 2/15 --> 15/15 -- defense of all colonies/outposts improved

-- [X] Shell of the Storm Kraken! 0 --> 7/25

-[X] FTH 158/158

-- [X] Executables of Power 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Network, +ACD, unlocks cyberspace rites?

-- [X] Rite of Communion 0/10 --> 10/10 -- +CUL, +FTH

-- [X] Hounds 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Artifact

-- [X] Oh Barnacles 0/15 --> 15/15 -- +Darktide curses

-- [X] VaccineWare 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +electronic warfare defenses

-- [X] War-Muses 5/15 --> 15/15

-- [X] Curse of Elemental Wrath 0/20 --> 20/20

-- [X] Rite of Restoration 10/25 --> 20/20 -- +1 Artifact, +FTH, + 10 Auton Reputation, OMEN gains Mirror Black

-- [X] Pelagic Liturgies 0/5 --> 5/5 -- +EXP, +CUL, +ACD, +FTH

-- [X] Rite of Soul 3/10 --> 10/10 -- +EXP, +FTH

-- [X] Sanctum Sanctorum 0/25 --> 1/25

-[X] ACD 125/125

-- [X] Living Metal Rounds 0/20 --> 20/20 -- -1 Living Metal

-- [X] Construct Courier Class Ship 0/15 --> 10 + 3 Frontier Society +2 Admiral Aliya/15

--- [X] Yr Albain Orbit

-- [X] MiniShieldTek 0/35 --> 35/35 -- unlocks wearable ShieldTek

-- [X] Positron Brain Surgery 0/25 --> 25/25 -- Ijin cured, +Auton Reputation?

-- [X] MagTek Blasters 0/15 --> 15/15

-- [X] Sandscorn Desert-Biosphere Hybridization Program 0/20 --> 20/20 -- +Khimer Reputation?

- [X] Resources

-- [X] Artifacts: 1

--[X] Biodata: 2

-- [X] Intel: 0

-- [X] Living Metal: 1 --> 0

-- [X] Network: 6 --> 5

--[X] Nuclear Material: 0

-- [X] Warp: 3


"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."


Stardate 4351.0512, Captains Log of TNDI of the Starship Resistance

Today, we embark on the yearlong voyage to the Iron Shores system, where we’re going to participate in Operation: One Small Step alongside the rest of the fleet. I’m really not happy about the fact we didn’t have time to fully repair the fleet beforehand, but the engineers were able to do what they could. Thankfully, this battle shouldn’t see much ship combat: according to long range scans, the no fly zone around CPUMoon is mostly clear of hostiles. A few minor autoboats and drifting satellite complexes hanging in its kepler cloud, and we’re seeing some light orbital vessels, but we’re unlikely to face serious resistance. It’s the ground we’re worried about.

According to what long range telemetry we can detect, not only is the planetoid swarmed in what may potentially be billions of machines: not only that, the area is…stained, according to what Fleet Skryteks can tell: the death of billions and centuries of madness has darkened the warp around the planet. And…some of the scans collected by probes have picked upa unique waveform…

Morphogenic fields. They think they’re detecting morphogenic field technology, in a location extremely close to where the AutoPlanet Primary Brain should be located. When we get there, we’ll have a years worth of additional scouting data collected, but unless we find something to RADICALLY upend what we know, this is another confirmation of the link between the Logic Virus and the D-Spiders. And its confirmation that this is going to be a lot harder than just hacking some machines.

I have full control over my dreams, but on the rare occasion my software glitches or I get a neural infection that hampers my control, I dream of those spiders. The memory of what happened to the Discovery…I can’t seem to get rid of the memories, no matter how much I empty my memory buffers.

I wish Wurf were here: as it is, with his resignation the Admiralty Board decided I’m the next best option to lead this. “Centuries of experience and first hand knowledge with handling of infected autons”.

Well, at least I have a year to plan.

Alright! Here’s how this is gonna work! Your fleet is going to be put on babysitting duty: basically, disabling the various space based nasties that can ruin your day. MOST of your armies will be put on disabling major population centers.

All of that will be happening in the background. Instead, you get to focus on the side missions. You have a limited number of special forces and named characters you can deploy to certain locations: by accomplishing major strategic goals, you’ll either assist the ground armies with their efforts, put the autovessels in a better position post-liberation, or miscellaneous helpful thing. Much like the Forbidden Archive, you can only have so many teams, so deploy them wisely!


Huntek Squad Gamma: A collection of thirteen specialist Hunteks loaned by the Temple, all of them having worked extensively in hunting scrapbeasts and rogue automata. They’ve came outfitted with a full set of godforged anti-synthetic weaponry that should aid in non-lethal capture and take down of major infected machines.

Huntek Squad Upsilon: An entirely different volunteer squad of Hunteks twenty three who had been assembled from non-critical Huntek squads that the Fleet had decided could be safely diverted from the primary battlefield.

Daquwaka Morugmako: A Fossegrimm Protector who had been sent by the Living College: this Fish-spirit specialized in warding and various forms of defensive grottomancy, though like most Fossegrimm, they were adept electrokinetics and boilmancers.

Captain TNDI: Veteran Captain, TNDI is a Lunar Muse with centuries of experience, extensive combat training and augmentations.

Silverblade Host: A group of 4 War-Muses from Naklis who had been recommended for this mission by TNDI. They had swapped from using biometal blades to electrostun rods for non-lethal take-downs.

Technical Operators 49: The Virus Busters contribution, TO-49 was a small collective of Hacktivists led by Kynna Vannaket and liaised by her fiance, Clawdett Vannaket who had agreed to help with a cybernetic assault.

GI Gadget and the Gadgeteers:  A commando squadron led by Sgt. Qidgit, these infected and highly marketable AutoSoldiers possess both heightened skill and far greater immunity to the Logic Virus.

KLNG 66: Loaned by Koptu, KLNG was an expert on biolocks of all models, as well as a trained AutoYogi, trained in the art of manipulating their motive force to manipulate technology and augment its performance, including their own capabilities.

Ijin: Ijin and their crew would be participating directly. Skilled engineers and technicians, what they lacked in combat ability they made up for with their sheer enthusiasm as well as a variety of specialty tools.

Vlaahk: Vlaahk would also be assisting via a DummyAuto. Highly intelligent, the AutoVessels temporary body was a highly durable biometal composite with magneto-articulated limbs, inbuilt shield generator, as well as a portable “Daturgic Disabler Cannon”. His crew were likewise participating, largely equipped with the same upgrades and less experimental anti-AI weaponry, as well as a duel neural core, one designed from analog positron technology, the backup made of react-code enhanced conventional positron substrate.

Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr.: Grandson to Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Sr. Owner and proprietor of the House of Sin, husband to the devilishly intelligent and deadly Mrs. Knives, and one of the foremost experts in the dark arts, and master scholar and practitioner of countless others. Apparently, he had been planning to participate in the liberation from the moment he read his fathers journals as but a kit: there had been an OrphiaTek present at every step of the Liberation of the Autons, and destiny and the will of mortals dictated that there would continue to be.

WLF-459: Present at first contact, WLF-459 had been the science-machina that had freed the Autons. For the purposes of this mission, they’ve installed themselves into a Commander platform equipped with advanced AutoHack technology (with grudging permission from all but two major Auton officials).

Magos Tachyon: A Nova Mechanica priest who has replaced the vast majority of their body with paleotech augmetics, Magos Tachyon had volunteered to aid in freeing the synthetics of CPUMoon from the schismatical code-virus possessing them.

Locations of importance:

Primary Positron Complex: The primary neural structure of CPUMoon, tasked with serving as a primary administrator for the planet as a whole. Scans suggest heavy protection by infected Autons. More concerningly was the detection of a strong morphogenic field effect, a ‘bubble’ of sorts surrounding the very core of the facility.

Secondary Positron Complex Kalphas: One of a trio of still functional continental AutoPlanet Positronic Complexes, this facility apparently had been one of the first to fall: the bodies of the millions of organics who perished reached high in a great pillar of bones, and a weaker morphogenic field had been detected.

Secondary Positron Complex Iodex: The second continental positronic brain, this one had, apparently, been the heart of manufacturing. Scans indicate heavy fortification, and scouts in the region indicate the autons in relatively decent condition, meaning the Iodex Secondary Planet Brain is at least cognizant enough to perform basic maintenance. Light morphogenic fields had been detected.

Secondary Positron Complex Hagan: The third continental positronic brain, long range scans detected high numbers of feral autons, periodic erratic morphogenic field fluctuations, and according to what Scryteks could gather, a great deal of spiritual pollution, which was probably a bad sign.

Vault Complex OMAC: A major facility once held by the Watchmaker military used in weapons development. Missile technology, combat robots, more. If it wasn’t handled, it could become a problem for the overall campaign: thanks to Directorate genekeys however, it should be possible to insert a small team through a secret passage to help secure it.

Vault Complex CAMBON: A facility intended to serve as the secure bunker of the highest echelons of the Watchmaker government in the case of emergency. It was unknown what exactly it would contain in terms of defenses, but it should also possess a back door into several key AutoPlanet systems.

Vault Complex COG: The facility that New Dawn had been connected with: Marjak was going to attempt to breach it in order to retrieve the contents, in the hopes that it would possess a means by which to restore their creators or, barring that, at least some remnant of their legacy.

Central Power Core 07: Only a handful of these planetary mega-reactors still functioned, and of them 07 was the most intact. However, it was also one of the most well defended and thus most likely to take damage. If it went critical, it could reduce the surrounding three hundred kilometers to blasted scrap, permanently wrecking vast swathes of infrastructure, killing hundreds of thousands of infected autons, and losing the most intact Central Power Core would also unacceptably lower output.


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