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You pulled into the lot in your government provided sedan, sweating, looking up to the bleak sky, wondering by what hubris that man had thought it wise to build a city in the goddamn Mojave of all places.

You reached into your pocket, pulling out a flask of whiskey, taking a long draught from it: you needed to be at least 100% blood alcohol content for what was about to happen. Unfortunately, you couldn’t afford to go into this too off your game, so you settled for the single drink for now. You could get smashed later, probably. 

The month was december. The date was the 17th. You were in Las Vegas. And you were about to enter the mouth of hell and begin the descent into pandaemonia. You pulled into a parking spot as you put the bottle back where it went and looking into the rearview mirror to check your grooming, deciding you were at least passably well put together. Opening the door, you stepped out under the sweltering sun, licking your lips. Already, you felt the dull ache rising. As you looked across the vast parking lot at your destination. 

The RobCo Las Vegas Event and Convention building. Hosting the very first annual DoP National Conventions. Gritting your teeth, you walked your way to the facility through the crowded lot, filled with various teams and officials who had either been assigned or had been able to make time to attend streaming their way to the entrance, falling into one of the several lines that passed through the security gate. 

Getting into the one you predicted would get him inside the quickest, you did your best to tune out the cacophony of noise that surrounded you, though unfortunately there was only so much someone with horrific noise sensitivity could do to tune out the dull roar of hundreds if not thousands of convention-goers. 

Still, by focusing on your breathing, thinking of Blinky, and reminding yourself you had a job to do here, you successfully reached one of the security gates, manned by a pair of guards and a dog. “Name, Position and ID?” One of them, the one standing, asked, and you reached into your pocket, pulling out a copy of your identification. 

“Edgar Wright, Team America Department, Louisiana,” You said, causing the one currently seated down to nod. 

“Yup, Doctor Edgar Wright, he’s in here,” They said even as the other scanned your card, causing a soft dinging noise, before handing it back to you. “Alright sir, before you enter, do you have any items you’d like to declare?”

“Chems- medical- Do you need the name, or-”

“Normally I’d ask if you have a prescription, but since you’re a doctor that’s probably a bit redundant. You’re fine: pass through the detector, make sure you grab a pass,” The standing guard said boredly as their K-9 began scratching its ear with its hind leg.

You walked through, noting a tingling sensation that immediately compounded your headache with a migraine. Wonderful. Giving a ragged breath, you closed your eyes and walked forward a bit, centering yourself. 


“-Nveiling the brand new ACME Labour-tron! Capable of working without pause nonstop for over 500 years, these machines make developing and improving properties a cinch, and in the long run save the tax-payer over 80% on construction costs, allowing you to funnel that money for-”

ACME is doing a demonstration in Hall A. The Labourtron, a machine that would, in a just world, help abolish manual labour and free mankind to pursue higher pursuits, instead being sold as a cost-cutting measure to help regional managers line their pockets. 

The long term damage they’d do was obvious: another category of worker obsoleted, another field where it’s members would begin to lose their niche in capitalist society, and by proxy those that were obsoleted, construction workers, heavy machine operators, carpenters, they would all lose their means of making an income as more and more of the industry automated. 

At least the miners would get people to help build the barricades, you mused darkly as you watched the bulky and large machine parade around the stage. The rest of the demo were various services, products and offers the company was trying to advertise: medication for clinics and supply depots. New models of budget EcoRanger armor, trading armoring at the joints for cheapness. ACME Suburbs, an idea made in hell if you had ever seen one. Their new small business loan program, the result of a recent merger with McEntire Finance. 

All perfectly useable, either for making funding, or survival on the cheap. All for the low low price of letting places like Gecko get swept under the rug.

You left with a bad taste on your mouth. 


“Edgar? Edgar McCoy? Hey, Ed-”

You turned, furious at the person who had just blown your cover, only to blink, a grin breaking out onto your face as you saw who it was. “Hey, Frankenstein!” You said, walking forward, enthusiastically gripping the hand that was outstretched and giving it a shake, its owner grinning back.

“Edgar! It’s good to see you!” Nancy Steinbeck said, the mousey scientist and fellow graduate of Cambridge giving a grin. “I thought you were still living out in Nebraska!” 

You shrugged. “I unfortunately got volunteered.” You looked around: right now, the DaisyTech division was giving a demonstration: a laser balloon program they hoped to have operational next year. As a result, no one was watching you. “By the way, Nance, do me a favor: its Edgar Wright, not…Y’know.”

Nancy raised an eyebrow. “You change your name, red dynamite?” she said, recalling your old college nickname, and you gave a nod.

“Technically speaking, E. McCoy legally died a few years ago in a tragic lab accident,” You said, not looking your old lab partner in the eye. “And it’s best for me and my interests he stay dead,” You scowled, clearing your throat, noting- thankfully- you weren’t picking up anything on weird radio from her. “Anyways, hows work? I heard DaisyTech got bought out.”

Nancy gave a huff. “Yeah, a few years ago by the DoP,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “They basically looted us for parts and tossed those who didn’t get scooped up to the wind: I’m lucky to have gotten the name back.”

You frowned. “Shit, that sucks. I figured they would have hired you on…”

Her mouth tightened to a tight line. “Apparently, Clancy McCoy considered my history a departmental liability.”

You snorted. “That fucking tracks,” You snarled. “Having an ethical core is the exact sort of thing my sister would despise seeing in her employees.”

“Tell me about it. Still, things are looking up at least: the DoP at least let us buy a license to manufacture our own laser technology,” Nancy continued. “But enough about me, what have you been up to, Edgar Bear?”

You gave a cough. “I’m currently in charge of the Team America division of Lousiana,” You said, watching Nancy flinch. 

“Yeesh, isn’t that whole state considered a write off? You have your work cut out for you, Edgar,” She said, concerned. 

“Tell me about it.”



“Clancy.” The pair of you were in the convention center cafeteria. You were currently eating a hamburger and salad. Clancy was idly picking at a steak. “Is there a reason you wanted to talk to me?”

“I wanted to check base,” she said, looking at you coldly, expression a mask. “I heard something about a man dressed as Dracula…”

You shrugged. “I needed the money. Robbing the bank was just the quickest and most efficient way to accomplish that.”

“You killed two people, Edgar,” She said flatly, and you idly noted that all the tables that would hypothetically be in ear-shot were empty, currently in the middle of being cleaned by the staff-bots. 

“I killed two renta-cops. I have killed, as far as you’re aware, zero people,” You retorted, taking a bite of salad and chewing. “If you’re worried about blow-back, don’t- I covered my tracks.”

“Edgar, I’m worried because my little brother killed two people,” She emphasized. “I don’t care how you get your money, I’m worried about you.”

“Hey hey hey, remember when you informed on me and tried to use me getting executed to recruit me?” You responded, causing Clancy’s frown to deepen.

“Look, I’m sorry-”

“No you’re not,” You said flatly. “You’re upset that your chosen lever broke before you got the chance to use it and looking for a way to get back in my good graces that way you can use the pretext of affability as a substitute.”

Clancy looked stricken. “I- Edgar, I know you don’t think highly of me-”

“I have repeatedly expressed outright hatred.”

Clancy sighed, a downcast look on their face. “Okay. Fair enough. I’ve almost certainly earned that,” she admitted, and for once you didn’t get the impression she was lying. “I’m serious though: I’m concerned about you. You’ve never killed anyone before-”

“-That you know of,” You said flatly, taking a small amount of satisfaction from the way her eyes widened.

“...Okay. Hypothetically, how many people…”

“Several orders of magnitude less than you,” You said flatly, giving a grunt as you took another bite of burger. “Like I said, Clancy, it’s been a long time since Cambridge.” You swallowed, not bothering to taste the sandwich. 

“...Jesus Edgar, what the hell happened to you?” Clancy said, frowning.

“The war happened. Roger happened. Fucking life happened. You and people like you started the fire, and I had to adapt to survive,” You hissed, setting your food down for a moment, glaring at her. “Did you ever once fucking consider that I was hiding out in the wilderness of Oregon for a goddamn reason beyond being a jaded misanthrope? Now that we’ve established you don’t know a goddamn thing about me, can we drop it?”

“I…fine,” Clancy said, looking troubled. “I’ll drop it. Let’s discuss your performance so far. Lil Orphanages.”

“...” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

+1 Wrath.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I needed the resources and funding.”

Clancy shrugged. “It happens. This entire job is about figuring out the least terrible thing you can do. At least you made sure to bomb-proof the places: that’s more than some people would do.”

“I’d maybe take more pride if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re trading dying of radiation to drowning,” You growled. “As is, the only one I think has a chance of surviving at the moment is the one in New Alexandria. Again, I don’t want to talk about it.”

She nodded. “Fine. Otherwise, I’m noting you’re behind schedule on your mandates, as well.”

You took a deep breath. “I’m working on it. Expanded K-9 unit in New Orleans: two birds, one stone. Dogs can sniff out NEXT units using stealth fields better, and post bomb if I can get the place liveable they should be able to help people survive by hunting and acting as guard animals.”

Clancy raised an eyebrow. “Huh. A little unorthodox, but it should be fine. Make sure you get it done in time. But as a little advice: if you pick one you have to drop, pick the cops.”

“...Huh. Would have figured you’d say the Weather facilities would be on the chopping block,” You noted, a little surprised.

“Edgar, I might not be a tree hugger like you, but this isn’t just a moral problem: we’re dealing with more and more weather and enviroment based disasters every year. It’s costing the government an upward of several trillion dollars every quarter, to say nothing of the private sector,” Clancy explained. And suddenly it makes sense, you noted pessimistically. “And it gets worse once the bombs drop. A lot worse. There are multiple other departments that are on NEXT’s tail, but we need every last person we can making sure people still have an environment to inherit once the dust settles.”

“Duly noted,” You said, standing up, burger half eaten. “Anything else?”

“Enjoy the convention: go make some friends,” Clancy said, shrugging. “That’s not a joke, Edgar: this entire event is intended to be an opportunity to network, call in favors, get rare department technology before anyone else, and build bridges. If you’ve been building up influence, now’s the time to use it.”


Howdy Edgar! It’s me, ENFERR! I’m using the newfound technology of WIRELESS NETWORK TRANSMISSION to connect myself to your Pip-Buddy! I’m attending the convention too, via the AlviCorp Technology Expo!

The Director is right, this is the perfect time-

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hide me hide me hide me!

Okay, whew. Sorry, I saw the Director. She doesn’t know I’m here at the moment. Anyways, this is the perfect time to spend that hard-earned influence! Influence can be spent on resources such as Dice and Funding, giving a boost to national projects, and unlocking new projects for you yourself to pursue, both regular and Sponsor-ships! 

At the moment, you have seven points of influence. Which, sadly, isn’t a lot: the good news, you picked an excellent time to commit a crime! During National Conventions, Influence can be bought by spending your own resources!

The exact exchange rate varies year by year. For now, here’s this years rate:

1 Point of Funding = 5 Point of Influence. 

1 Major Category Dice = 25 Points of Influence. 

1 Minor Category Dice = 10 Points of Influence. 

Got it? Make sense? And to be clear, all influence must be spent: use it or lose it! 

Alright, let’s list off your options! 



Atomicrops Phase Two [Agriculture]: The Atomicrops initiative had largely stalled out: until your contribution, only minor improvements had been made. Your notes had given the project a kick in the pants, however: it might be possible to make a real breakthrough! 5/50 Influence, unlocks more advanced T2 Atomicrops projects focusing on ecology and agriculture and increasing Seed Vault primary stat. Gains 5 progress per year. 

Superdog Initiative [Augmentation]: The DoP has successfully developed a number of experimental methods to improve K-9 units, including chems, cybernetics, and good old fashioned selective breeding. 0/25, unlock T1 Dogmentation Projects focusing on security, increases max phase of K-9 Teams by 1. 

ACME Power! [ACME]: ACME Energy! Producers of items such as the ACME Rechargeable Fusion Core, ACME brand Reactors, and ACME batteries! Why, so long as you ignore the fact that shaking their representatives hand makes your skin crawl, they’re probably the least terrible power supply option you have available! 0/25, unlock T1 ACME Energy projects focusing on power generation and electrical infrastructure, increase national ACME Power. 

Androids [Robotics] The robotics program of Cambridge was non-comparable. One of the technological fields they had been exploring was that of humaniform robots. Long term, their goal was to create machines indistinguishable from humans. For now, however, they had a few glitchy prototypes. 0/50, unlock T1 Cambridge Robotics projects focusing on labour and robotic manpower. 

BioOptimizer Serum Phase 3 [Genetics] The BioOptimizer formula was once of the most breathtakingly incredible things made by the DoP. A blend of chems, mutagens, and retrovirals, a single vial could eliminate all manner of genetic disease ranging from simple sickle cell anemia to cancer. 0/150, unlock T3 BioOptimizer projects and increases the phases of several [Genetics] tagged options. 

National Initiatives

Strategic Personnel Depot Expansion [Population]: The SPD’s were currently limited to a handful of regions. However, with a push, it might be possible to convince the DoP to expand their construction. 0/100, unlock Strategic Personnel Depot Construction [Population, DoP, Facilities] (0/750)(Repeatable), which unlocks a new SPD Community Card per completion. 

Laser Tower Defense Arrays [Missile Defense]: Currently the best tool the department had to shoot down nuclear weapons, they were expensive, power hungry, and a pain in the ass to build, but if they could expand production to write off regions… 0/150, unlock Laser Tower [Missile Defense, Energy, Security] (0/350)

Equestrianaughts! [Ecology]: Horses. Proof that if god exists, he’s dead, because no kind diety would allow humans to breed something so fragile, jittery, and weird into existence. Their cold soulless eyes pierce into your heart, and you are convinced the creatures would plot our downfall if they could. 0/50, unlock Community DoP Stables [Ecology, Logistics, Security] (0/250)

Better Think Initiative [Education] The DoP was estimated to be responsible for roughly 15% of research taking place in the nation at any given time, with that number rising if you included scientists in training, and Cambridge and ACME alumni. However, this was only a pittance compared to what they could be doing for education. 0/25, unlock Community Scholarship Program [Education, Charity, Outreach] (0/150), DoP Extracurricular Program [Education, Facilities],  (0/200), and Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture [Education, Mischief] (DC 250)


Daisy Technological Enterprises [DaisyTech]: DaisyTech was another acquisition of the DoP, responsible for development of the technology behind government laser tower technology and data cores, the former owner, Nancy Steinbeck, had only recently re-acquired the company, and was looking to expand. Nancy had shown you a few projects in development, and while their efficacy might be questionable, a number showed a fair amount of promise. 0/25, unlock DaisyTech Partnership, granting a variety of [Prototype] tagged projects, unlocking DaisyTech Sponsorships, and granting +1 [Prototype] Dice. 

Hornwright Industrial [Corporate]: A primarily Appalachia based organization, Hornwright was primarily a mining company, one that year by year was automating faster and faster. They were looking to funnel some of the growth they were experiencing into expansion, and their catalog had several interesting offers… 0/50, unlock Hornwright Partnership, granting several [Industry] tagged projects, unlocking Hornwright Sponsorships, and granting +1 [Corporate] Faction Dice. 

Garrahan Mining [Corporate]: Another Appalachian company that was looking to expand into Lousiana in order to keep the company afloat if things went poorly for them in their home region. In the automation war, they were fighting on the side of anti-automation, a losing battle if you had ever heard one. 0/75, unlock Garrahan Mining Partnership, granting several [Industry] tagged projects, unlocking sponsorships, and no additional dice. Just a warning, Edgar, they might be easier on your conscience, but you’d be backing a dying horse. 

Postal Service [Government]: Come rain or shine. The united states postal service had seen better days, having been significantly defunded over the past few years. By forming a partnership with them, you might be able to reinforce lines of communication in the region. 0/50, unlock Postal Service Partnership, Sponsorships, granting several [Logistics] tagged projects, and +1 [Government] Faction Dice. 

Mensa [Education]: On the one hand, western IQ tests were bourgeois imperialist nonsense created by colonialists as a means of justifying their prejudice and reaffirming their sense of superiority. On the other Mensa was a highly influential organization that did admittedly have a very large amount of very smart people, and a partnership with them would be highly useful for optimizing your organization. 0/150, unlock Mensa Partnership, Sponsorships, granting several [Personel] tagged projects, and granting +1 [Education] faction dice. 

AlviCorp [Education, Corporate]: The apparent creator of that weird little AI that was stalking you. A fairly small organization, they apparently were in the business of creating software and hardware and robotics research. Cozying up with them would likely mean having to deal with ENFERR more, but as far as you were aware the company at least wasn’t openly evil. 0/25, aw shucks, Edgar! You’d be doing me a real favor with this one! You’ll unlock AlviCorp’s partnership and sponsorships, granting you several [Robotics], [Programming], and [Prototype] projects and +1 [Education] faction Dice!



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