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Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope all is well and you were able to spend time with family and friends. Wow, where has the time gone; it has already been three years since I started this Patreon page and we are going into the 4th year. Thank You everyone for your support and dedication as it does help me greatly. I had a few concerned patrons message me about my health since I haven't posted anything as of yet for this month. I am well and no I haven't kicked the bucket. Currently, I am a little under the weather but no it's not the "bug"(CV19). I explained in an earlier post my current situation so I hope you understand. To sum it up I am currently working like one of Santa's helpers between my job and tidying up the backlog of projects that need to be completed by the end of the year. As I would like to start fresh by the start of the new year. I will be releasing the appropriate rewards for this month soon so please stand by. Thanks for being patient with me. 




Just make sure to get some rest in!