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Important Information Below:

Please take the time to read the post in its entirety before downloading it.

Please Try The Troubleshooting Below Before Message About Complications. It Should Fix the Majority of Your Issues.

These types of characters are tough because they stress the limits of HS's sliders. There is some clipping with the tears and the eyelashes; not much I can do there. I had to remodel many parts of the character to make it compatible. The mod comes w the typical cosmetics, Jewel and Cartoon Texture from the original body. 

Please customize the character and body to fit the needs of your install and to your liking. The mod has working blush and tears, so I don't think that I overlooked or missed anything. Like all head mods, you must load the character card provided first before making any sort of edits since it contains custom placement values for the eyes and facial meshes. Give me feedback if you see anything that I missed, or find areas that need fixing up. I had to edit 550+ meshes for this mod so mixing morphs may not be perfect and some combinations may cause errors that I simply can't test so let me know. If you discover any issues such as missed placed facial textures or textures not being recolor-able please make sure your game is fully updated with the 630 Patch and is using 4K because both are required. Also if you run into issues make sure that you have more slots installed and re-patch your game.  If you have loading issues with some of the more recent characters please make sure that you update your plugins. Updating the plugins (Joan's) seems to have fixed this issue. All of our game settings and character preferences are different so you need to adapt the mod to fit your game and your look. If you run into neckline color issues please make sure to upgrade to LRE. Additional Troubleshooting

Enjoy Raven!

Key: dilgZuykwDQgKoISwBlo7vVy4D5_3j1trhpk1H0e8ao

PW: "Azarath-Metrion-Zinthos"




Can I ask where you got the maps you use for your previews? Also, thank you so much for making this model


All of them are freely available online. Did you need one in particular?


Is that a bikini custom from you ?


The bikini in the last few pictures, you made that yourself or can I find it somewhere. Could you give me a link if that’s fine, if you made it yourself then your choice


Oh lul sorry, thanks anyway


Not in particular, I just want better ones than I have in general haha. Do you happen to happen to have any links where I can get some or just some names/patreons of people who make good ones?


[DDD] Doax3bedroom [Hooh] Private Pool [KG2] Forest V1.1 [Nana] Summer Islands


G'day 73! Don't mean to be a pain, but ran into problems... Having arrived late to HS and its modding community, I'm certain I've missed key clothing pieces that sadly leave my DL incomplete. As such, I cannot load any clothing sets whatsoever, even for extracting everything to the right areas. Are you able to provide lists of what you used, or even files if possible? Please let me know. Didge.


Please make sure you follow the troubleshooting it will help out. If the clothing doesn't load you are probably missing some plug-ins or updates. You have the view of modding as well don't try to "complete" your install because it only leads to bloat.


What specific plug-ins or updates did you use, if it's alright to ask? Quite likely I've missed some, just don't know which ones. Didge.


Read the troubleshooting.You need to make sure you are fully updated up to the 630 patch. Also my mods require the 4k patch. You will need most of Joan's plug-ins and make sure your exe files are patched with IPA. Also in trouble shooting there is a link by Roy which explains most of the issues you will face and how to fix them. If you go to Joan's repository it says which are required and which are optional.


Did get Raven's head and body working after sorting Wideslider out. Pretty sure I've updated to 630, 4k patch and so on, otherwise I doubt your Powergirl would've worked for me. I'll try to figure out the clothing issues from here; should I struggle, would appreciate help. Didge.


It did not work well for me I think it has conflicts with some mods. I have the latest updates, 4k patch installed and LRE. Thanks anyway


Can you please be more specific on what issue you are having. Also did you try troubleshooting. 🤔


ok let me explain, look, she won't let me change her skin color and her hair is always a fixed white color, I can't change it, everything else is fine, it might be a mod in conflict i think


I already fixed it, it was a problem with a hair style mod, now I can change the color. The skin color was a configuration problem, but I fixed it