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I recently accepted this commission for Anna for HS1. If interested I posted additional screenshots on my pixiv page. 




I love you 😎


HS2 exists :S


She was commissioned for HS1. I asked the community if they would like a HS2 project for this month's rewards and they wanted HS1.


Hs1 is great…. But HS2 is better for Studio. I hope in the future….

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Dude, read the description. It states that the mod was made "as a commission for HS1". If someone is paying to get a character in HS1 then why the hell would 73 make it an HS2 mod instead.


Oh yes np. My toughts was in general terms. I hope in future more interest in HS2 cause in the poll few people voted for more HS2 char.


Other modders have been giving up HS1 and focusing on HS2 for over a year now, you are too good to be left behind, and you should steer those customers who don't want to give up HS1 into HS2.


Or you could respect the results of the poll where his following showed bigger interest in HS1 content than HS2 and let 73 do the same. If you want something for HS2 by 73 you could get it as a commission, or if you just want HS2 content could always go towards any of the other modders who have given up HS1 instead of trying to put your own interests over those of the rest just by being loud and entirely disregarding the rest of the community.


Because everyone has swapped to HS2 the commission request are now quite insane. On average 4 people are asking for commissions a week; since I work fulltime I can't output that many. You guys act like I haven't done any HS2 mods lol.


But yeah I have to respect my current base and what they want.


I certainly subscribe to other authors like Cunihinx, Darkruler, McM82, Roy12, SJJPL, 2155X and others who are just as talented and passionate as 73LAC7C. They created costumes, props, hairstyles, jewelry, maps, and even added a host of new features to HS2 that would not have been possible in HS1. HS2 is an evolution of HS1, I'm curious what your reason for rejecting her was?


@bob Why should i or anyone else blindly love Hs2 just for being the newest thing? I gave it a shot, didn't like the way it looks even with graphical mods and that's it. Hs2 people being loud and trying to evangelize those of us who want to stick to Hs1 adds another reason to stay away from that game, so you're making it a disservice.


"HS2 is an evolution of HS1". As a VR user I can say that is catagorically false.


so many players hs1 hoped to see the gameplay aishoujo into hs2 and can to bring all their waifu chara into hs2 but nope, thats maybe why no one is ok for hs2 , lets just wait hs3 maybe.


When people ignore the poll results and insist on what they believe, this happens :)