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Important Information Below:

Please take the time to read the post in its entirety before downloading it.

Please Try The Troubleshooting Below Before Message About Complications. It Should Fix the Majority of Your Issues.

Please customize the character and body to fit the needs of your install and to your liking. The mod has working blush and tears, so I don't think that I overlooked or missed anything. Like all head mods, it is important that you load the character card provided first before making any sort of edits since it contains custom placement values for the eyes and facial meshes. Give me feedback if you see anything that I missed, or if you find areas that need fixing up. I had to edit 550+ meshes for this mod so not everything is going to be perfect and some combinations may cause errors that I simply can't test so let me know. If you discover any issues such as missed placed facial textures or textures not being recolor-able please make sure your game is fully updated with the 630 Patch and is using 4K because both are required. Also if you run into issues make sure that you have more slots installed and re-patch your game.  If you have loading issues with some of the more recent characters please make sure that you update your plugins. Updating the plugins (Joan's) seems to have fixed this issue. All of our game settings and character preferences are different so you need to adapt the mod to fit your game and your look. If you run into neckline color issues please make sure to upgrade to LRE. Additional Troubleshooting

Enjoy Brigitte!


Key: oQK3tCyw2nGOhHWYsll4Th7azMQbuOZIieBr4t2J6zU

PW: 73_WhiP Sh0T=)

Beta Updates: 

  • Tears should be functional:
  • Added tear meshes & 152 tear morphs to the newest patch. 
  • smooth out some transitions to morphs made them blend better. 
  • If you are experiencing compatibility issues with Bel's hair replace your list file with the one in the attachments. (ABDATA/LIST/CHARACUSTOM)




omg, finally!!! thank you so much!!

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Hair physics and facial expressions are both amazing and the face looks really neat. The only issues i've found are tears not working and an odd looking texture around the jaw (more noticeable from below the face, towards the neck and below the ears)

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Ty for the fix. About the texture thing, some color combinations and light setups can make it look like some sort of dirt, and taking a closer look it seems to extend to cheeks. I wonder if it's tied to some specific map (the one handling intensity) since playing with the intensity/softness sliders can make it easier (or harder) to notice. For instance, setting up both sliders to 74 made it very easy to notice without changing the skin color in the card included.


It's still there on the most recent version I flattened the color?

Perfect specimen of wasted life

This is odd. The issue was actually reduced by a lot below the jaw and it became a minor dot under the chin, however, after comparing with the previous version, now it's more noticeable than before in the rest of the face. Here are some screenshots of the latest version with both, intensity and softness set to 74 and colors tweaked a bit for an easier time seeing the pixelated textures: Several front and side angles: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661831392878919700/815442538378952754/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661831392878919700/815442716460187708/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661831392878919700/815443317802008596/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661831392878919700/815443515177697320/unknown.png View from below: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661831392878919700/815443720086224937/unknown.png


Excellent work! Can I ask which Nipple pack you use?


The issue seems to be the way photoshop desaturates the normal map. I tried smoothing it but once I save it the issue returns.

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Gotcha! Any chance to roll back the texture changes while keeping the tear morphs? The weird looking texture was harder to notice on the first version than on the current one. (I still have "Brigiitte1.0b" backed up if it's of any use)


McM82 already made a mod with this character, but this one looks so much better and matches the previous overwatch mods made by you.


Aewsome as always!


I'm having issues with 4k, the model loads nearly perfect without it, but it has missing/wrong textures, however when I installed 4k, not only did it un-translate the game, but instead of loading Brigitte like it was previously able to, it loaded some fish faced girl. Anyone have any solutions?


You did it out of order most likely. 4k patch sets everything to default. So 4k patch then translate then run moreslots and repatch w IPA.


I was using the Fakku version for the translation , is there anyway you could link me to the translation file for 4K? I can't find it anywhere as most of the paste-bins and hongfire links have been taken down.


it is been a long time since I needed to translate my game. So unfortunately Im not sure if I still have the files.


Sorry to keep bothering you, I got translation and 4k working. Everything looks good except that the eyelashes seem to be missing and the eyelids are kinda funky/ missing. Troubleshooting link said to check wide slider but it is working fine. Not sure what else to do, any ideas?


Did you patch your game with moreslots try to repatch your install that usually helps.