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Hello Community!

As you know the character head poll has just concluded and the winner is... Honestly, it's complicated and like always I try to be as transparent with you guys as possible. The current standing after weighting the poll is Bel, Pharah, Sombra, and then Black Canary. I monitored the poll a couple of times a day and I noticed unusual activity. After looking at the raw data and response time its blatantly obvious that someone or a couple of people inflated the poll so that Bel would win. Here is an example of how obvious the sabotage was. During the poll, multiple brand new accounts (made that day) were made with almost the same name. They would all vote within a couple of minutes of each other for Bel. While I do appreciate the support, please don't attempt to sabotage the poll as it's not fair to the community. If you want to support more than the tiers available please submit a custom tier instead of sabotaging the poll. If it's obvious in the future I will have to omit those votes in fairness to the community. If I omit the sabotage votes Pharah edges out Bel by two votes. 

To add to the confusion both the Vindictus and Overwatch Series were supposed to be banned for this poll. The reason for the bans is because Widowmaker won the community poll last month and Evie is the leader reward for this month. With this being said technically the winner should be Black Canary, but please let me know your thoughts on the subject. My current plan if I have the time (I work fulltime) is to make Black Canary the community poll winner and also attempt to get Pharah out for this month as well for all patrons. 

Please speak up and let me know what you think and if this is fair and the right thing to do. Dont be afraid to voice your opinion!



소 끵끵

So that's the reason why suddenly bell got 8 votes. Thanks cheater! We will get parah and black canary at the same time. All because of you. XD


I think it's because the users want it. I don't like it when it comes to manipulation.


It happened twice once to get her to tie and then again for the sudden 8 votes like you said.


Sombra is always third.


I don't know if my vote got omitted or not, but I was a Vindictus player and only jumping into the bandwagon when I see that Bel and Pharah was tied at 39 votes. I want Bel to win because nobody else is coming close to making her. The choice is yours - this is your own Patreon anyway, but to be honest I was very happy when I see the end result, and now I'm disappointed.


Honesty is the best policy, there is no reason for the person to cheat. 73lac7c, I know working full time and doing mod work is crazy hard, but please don't give up on Black Canary and Pharah. These 2 are my favorite DC and OW girls. lol


Well at least you get a vindictus character this month. Evie is the vindictus character 73 is going to port next. So it’s a win, though it’s a higher pledge. $20 🤔


Thanks for the openness. I think it's not fair for the community who voted on other characters. So Black Canary and Pharah is a decent method for letting people know that fraud is not tolerated. Some people are new or don't have allot of money so seeing that one vote is not enough because others buy 10 accounts just to get what they want is pretty disturbing.


I like BLACK CANARY too!I DONT LIKE OW"character ,BUT I can take 2-3 months for ow,but not ever mouth!Please give Other"s character More opportunities.thx


Ty for being patient. I always try to give multiple opportunities for different game series, but I do work fulltime so my time is limited. Do you feel that this is a fair alternative?


I voted for Bel, so I was happy that she was number one, and I would like her to make her mod if I can be honest. But I want to respect your judgment. I'm sorry if my language is difficult to understand because I used Google translation.


I was pretty curious about what happened. Thank you for the transparency. Good on you to try to do both. I have been hoping to see Pharah since I joined your page but don't burn yourself out. I if I have to wait for another poll, I don't mind waiting.


Sombra has been a long time coming, always ends up on the top but not enough to get in


I hope pharah comes out.


So that's why Bel kept shooting upwards. I'm glad that cheating didn't pay off. This is a win for democracy.


I think you should offer Bel as an November reward as promised. All the support that voted for her is the same right. Please think of the people who voted for Bel. The results of the vote should not be ignored. If you think of additional rules for cheating, it is right to apply them from December. Not now.


According to the post, Bel only ties for first when you apply the fraudulent votes. When you only count legitimate votes for her she doesn't win. All characters deserve a fair shot, allowing cheating to slide only encourages cheaters to try it more often. While it does suck to see a character lose, I would point to your line "Please think of the people who voted for Bel. I think it's unfair for her to drop out of the top spot." It would be unfair to everyone else who voted if Bel was allowed to keep the win after an individual cheated to put her there. I think 73 made the right call here.


just give soul calibur a chance plz


So, are you planning to make pharah and black canary this month?


I agree with your decission too


Definitely agree. There's a lot of other stuff from other series as well, so if there's a way for you to put more downtime between series request, that'll be nice. Or just put series limit per vote/vote for series first before voting for the character would reduce the bloat on the voting choices Otherwise, I'm fine with waiting till both the Vindictus and Overwatch roster is exhausted for the rest.


Ty for understanding and your suggestion, however voting for a series wouldn't change a thing. It would limit the type of content made since ovw and Vindictus are in such high demand.


If your revved up for BC then go for it. I'm still for Phara though.


How about if a character from a series wins the vote for the month, that series cannot be in the vote again until every other month that a series wins? That way, we can have some rotation and give room for characters from other series to get a chance. Thoughts?


That's already how it is. This month was just a simple human error


Personally I'd prefer Pharah over BC, but I'm down with whatever you personally would be more willing to work on, especially if Pharah comes out some other time if possible.


Well, currently we are on track to get both characters out this month.