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Final Unweighted:      

  •  Widowmaker = 37
  •  Lara Croft = 33
  •  Sombra = 26 

Final Weighted:

  •  Widowmaker = 92
  •  Lara Croft = 90 
  •  Sombra = 65 

Final Result (Omitting >3 Votes) 

  • Widowmaker = 87  
  • Lara Croft = 87 
  • Sombra = 62 

The final result ended in a tie, but ill give it to Widowmaker since she won the majority of the vote. Please make sure that you READ and FOLLOW THE RULES during the poll. Quite a lot of patrons had their votes omitted for voting for more than 3 characters. 

I'm going to need help finding good widowmaker models since there are quite a lot of bad ports for her. Link models if you have a decent model. 




Sombra.... :( ; o ;


You know I check every hour. spank it to widowmaker XD

Hans Zeus

noooes lara:P


Im not really that versed in modeling but would either of these work for you? https://smutba.se/project/54/ https://smutba.se/project/100/


I think the Undeword version of Lara will be better