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 The hair mod was fitted to roy12's Momiji head mod found here 

I completely redid the armature/skeleton for the hair and reskinned the hair by hand. I hope you enjoy the Momiji Hair. 

DL: ***** 

Key: N9d_uJLyyeR3qTtAtqTa_aMizCmcvB36k2RNulFFzc8




This is amazing thx!


Would be great if you didn’t just port DOA hairs😫 Also them jiggle physics....and Momiji is looking good. 🥵


Does the community want more hairs fitted for the HS head? I always ask what you guys want but only 4-8 ever speak up and they say they want DOA hairs.

Hans Zeus

more hairs= always nice:) from DOA or others:) Krusher99 is just a mad bronze player haha:P

Dark Sythe

Momiji best girl Edit: Is that Roy12's Momiji or a custom one?


MORE HAIRS. not just from DOA, as everyone already seems to be doing that. get creative!


Yes, we definitely need more hair styles and quality detailed ones. Thx! <3

Hans Zeus

73lac7c already said that it was a commission that someone was willing to share.:)


With silvery hair of DOA Lisa, do you plan to make?


I wouldnt make it for myself. Most likely im not since im not into DOA also its not my head mod. Might do it as a commission but like I said DOA is not really my thing.