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Illusion "Project I" Thoughts

  • Yes! A New Illusion Game - "This Will Be My Main Game" 7
  • "If It Has Modding Support It Will Be My Main Game" 31
  • "Ill Use "Project I" & HS Equally Even With Mod Support" 48
  • "Ill try it but it probably wont be popular like Playhome" 10
  • "I'm not interested in the new game and ill stick with HS" 46
  • 2019-08-09
  • 142 votes
{'title': 'Illusion "Project I" Thoughts', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes! A New Illusion Game - "This Will Be My Main Game"', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '"If It Has Modding Support It Will Be My Main Game"', 'votes': 31}, {'text': '"Ill Use "Project I" & HS Equally Even With Mod Support"', 'votes': 48}, {'text': '"Ill try it but it probably wont be popular like Playhome"', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '"I\'m not interested in the new game and ill stick with HS"', 'votes': 46}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 9, 20, 20, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 142}


Hi Community if you didn't know illusion has been secretly working on a new game code named "Project I". The demo for the game is set for release at the end of the month, and the game is speculated to drop sometime late October. Which was leaked by a couple reseller sites such as Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B07VKFV7JX 

I just wanted to know this community's general thoughts on the game with a small poll. Select the option that fits your feel for the game. 



If it has head mod support, I’ll play it. I’m going to squeeze my hog to this game.

George Jetson

We have to see what we're up against first. Thus the Illusion cycle continues...


Yeah that's generally what made PH unpopular. Also don't forget to allow the hog to breath the poor thing needs some air 😂


Ya I'm hoping the majority of the hs content is easily portable or has some form of backwards compatibility. They would be pretty dumb not to include such a feature due to the popularity of hs.


The amount of mod support for HS is staggering, and not just in stuff to put in it. Just the Joan tools completely change the studio environment to give you a ton of control. I don't know if the next illusion game is going to try to actually create a in depth studio to match what HS can give.


Unless the mod of this game can be supported by most Modders like HS. The most important thing is to have an import that supports the head model. Because I will continue to play HS for DOA characters.

Laird Destro

New game looks like it has SOME better tech thanks to using a newer version of Unity. But as a game it looks like shit. And even if it does have a Studio Neo built in, there's going to be some time before it gets the number of worthwhile mods and items that HS has. Whether Joan6694 likes it or not is probably going to be a big factor for those worthwhile mods I mentioned.


A newer version of Unity is always an improvement. I'm just hoping it has some sort of compatibility with hs.