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Hello community as hard as I have tried to push dva out for release this month I dont think it will be possible. Pretty much everything that could have gone wrong for this release did. My job required everyone to put in 65 hours last week and this week. I had quite a lot of personal irl stuff I had to take care of as well as having to start completely over on my first dva attempt due to topology issues. Pretty much the mesh had irregular topology and unity didnt know what to do with it, so it simply deleted faces and left holes in the mesh and blocky unusual deformations that I didnt notice until I started sculpting the facial features. If you are familiar with morphs you would know its impossible to fix since it throws off the vert count breaking the expressions. I take missing this release schedule personally since it feels like I'm letting you guys down. Hope the community can understand.


Dark Sythe

Life happens, don't beat yourself up. You do great work and I appreciate you giving us a heads up.


DVA voters get 2 overwatch mods next month? It’s all good no reeeeeeeee.


They get it to keep it in there pants. No whipping it out in June 😏


Pretty sure Nico will win it, she was the runner up ;)