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Important Information below. Please take the time to read the post in the entirety before downloading it. 

Here is Keira Metz, the community poll winner for the community's first poll. Let me know how she is I spent quite a lot of time trying to get the morphs as best as I could. The skin data for her model was quite bad so I had to sculpt most of the morphs by hand in ZBrush. For Keira, I reskinned her hair by hand to provide better movement and flow for animations, which in my opinion looked really nice. If anyone has an older PC please let me know if the amount of bones in the hair is too much. The head contains a lot of moving parts and meshes to look good something that you may notice that some other artists don't do is provide custom eye morphs for smoother blink animations as well as both sets of morphs for tears. In total, I had to edit...

... 564 meshes so that she would look good in the game so offer feedback if you see anything that I could have missed. Other than that everything else is pretty standard with the head mod. Also like all head mods, it is important that you load the Character Card provided first before making any sort of edits since it contains custom placement values for the eyes and facial meshes. In addition to feedback let me know if the community is willing to let me share community works with the public or not. I may make another poll for that in the future since IK a couple patrons are sensitive about that. Check out the WIP pictures as well as the preview pictures for this mod on Pixiv. 


 CD Projekt 


ID List: 

Hair: 210173213 / Head: 200100059 / Eyes: 254100783 / Eyebrows: 251100221 / Eyelashes: 252100220 /  Cheeks: 252100220 / Eyeshadow: 253100249 / Face Texture: 250100231 / Lips: 257584035 / Moles: 258577200

Key: K2iXn3CNG5kvZGibobmaSFKKtk0ST83NKWbJNZ-E414

PW: 73_advis0r2KingFolt3st

DL: *****  


Required Mods: 

There aren't many required mods that I can think of besides moreslots, HSPE, wideslider so I hope you enjoy Keira. If for some reason the card isn't working try the one in the attachments. If for some reason the makeup options aren't visible in game please make sure you have moreslots and repatch your game. 




She looks like a 'he' (╥﹏╥)


Wow thx m8 😭


I can't show my eyeshadow, lipstick, blush


Yiff Party? What is that


i like this witcher preset! quality is so good! thanks a lot!


Literally man face though..need to find the sweet spot lighting.


You drunk, to love that? Or maybe you like man faces in females.


sorry you dont like the content @Krusher99 I tried my best to make her look nice.

George Jetson

While this is true- releasing everything at once, if he has permission to from his clients, wouldn't be the best idea. This patreon is a major avenue for all of us to enjoy his high quality mods, not just a few select people. If that means a character, that I'm not a major fan of, gets ported by him- I'm alright with it- because I know somebody else will enjoy it, and that his success as a modder means the odds of him porting a character that I do want increase over time. Even if you don't like the character- there's no denying that 73lac7c is a top quality modder.

George Jetson

Paying $1-5 per month with a bunch of other people to account for costs of time for a modder beats dumping $125 or more (emphasis on more) for a single port.


What is the your next plan? make pharah?


I do want to provide you guys a roadmap but I have a group of people that actively try to get projects out before I can release them. It's a bit annoying. The next character is for a client but they are willing to let me put her on here. She was in the poll. For the character after that since you guys didn't like the character you voted for its my pick.


That's all I can say for now.


i dont know why i loaded all mods in yr card but she still look diffirent from yr image <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQkqM_zShz7S0QeY9Mqn0pHLdr3f2kuN/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQkqM_zShz7S0QeY9Mqn0pHLdr3f2kuN/view?usp=sharing</a>


Well most likely you are lacking lighting mods and haven't tweaked your graphical setting to your liking since your pic has quite harsh lighting contrast and saturation. My pic was made in StudioNeo without any post effects and LRE. So it's based on your lighting setup.


help me, I can't show my eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, I use 4K. ROY12 his MOD is working properly.


Sounds like either you have a compatibility issue like you are not really using 4k. Or a I'd cab string issue. Which is because of your install. Last time I checked Roy doesn't use 4k but let's the game scale the textures for him. Try the 1k compatibility patch that I made, bc most likely you aren't using 4k.


Eric only one of my other patrons came across a similar issue and it was because their game was not properly updated to 4k. Also are you using ultimate or whatever the fakku version is called? Check the texture resolution for the default face texture as well as for the body.


Hello, I'm sure it's 4K skin bag conflict, but I tried to reinstall 4K skin, but the problem has not been solved. What 4K skin do you use? Can you tell me the link? Thank you! In addition, I used [All-in-One] 4K skin diffuse initial pack 20170619“


Ya I use the same 4k. But since everyones installs are slightly different it's hard to diagnose the problem I would say delete all of the files related to keira including the list file then reinstall the 4k version after reinstalling 4k. Also you dont have to completely reinstall your hs install. just use a complete hs install that already has 4k and overwrite it. Thats what I do. Then just patch your game again.


Whether it's re-installing the game itself + 4K skin, or covering 4K skin on the game I already have, the result is the same. Okay, I admit I failed. Thank you for your reply.


Huh I don't understand what do you mean "I admit I failed"?


I recommend to install on a fresh install, when I tried to LRE, with IBL I bricked my game luckly I had backups and restored it . Well fresh install with no mods I successfully installed it I just followed what is posted on the pastebin. Or in general installation from metagraphy


I said I admit that I failed because I couldn't think of any more ways. I used the simplest installation. Game Ontology + DLC + MoreSlotID + 1.3 + WideSlider_0.8.1 + SBX2.5e + All-in-One] 4K Skin diffuse initial pack 20170619. I think these plug-ins are the most basic, but adding 4K skin will cause problems......


Thank you very much. I've been trying new installations. I just added the necessary plug-ins, but every time I added the "one machine" 4K skin diffusion initial package 20170619, there would be problems. As to what is a necessary plug-in, I have listed it in detail in the following reply. Thank you for your attention!!!


Well this worked for me..guide written by metagraphy 1. Honey Select official patch 0630DLC 2. SBX 2.5e uncensor 3. HS Linear Rendering Experiment v3.1 4. IPA 3.3 5. Wide Slider v0.8.3 (if necessary) 6. HS Image based lighting v4.10 &amp; HSExtSave 7. Cubemaps 8. HS MoreSlotID v1.3 9. [nyaacho &amp; honey D] LRE skin v3.5 10. [meta] Body Skin LRE v1.31 The important thing is to follow the order of 1, 2, 3 and install 9, 10 after that. If you make a mistake in this order, you are probably not able to work properly. Also, I don't know much about HS Englishization, so please check the information if you need it. Download: [meta] LRE Starter Kit 050719 This is a data of the latest LRE configuration files I use, IBL presets for character maker, sample scene data, etc. This file will overwrite the LRE configuration, so please backup the configuration files (Config.xml and LightingRenderingAssist.xml) currently used before trying it.


Another point I want to make clear is that as long as I don't install 4K skin, using 1K head model is normal... I also think the 4K skin pack I used may be incomplete. Based on this idea, I also re-enabled the old 4K skin version, but the display errors were the same.... Another point to note is that my version of the game is 1.2.


4K mod overwrites some mods..you would need to install them again. Follow the order above


The biggest change is the color change, but the display error is the same. I have no other way. I have enabled a slightly similar cosmetic preset for other head MODs. Thank you again for your attention!


Ya, just a moment.


https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ckuNda72Mf5VSA478iM0oA key: qpau


I added two more full-body photos, because of the different colors, I think I should have normal installation.