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Anna R. is Italian, from Verona like Giulietta, and she is a genuine product of this special country,  similar to the mozzarella cheese.
And when you come across an example of this cheese that is really handmade with great quality milk you have to respect its integrity and savour the unique taste without contaminating it with bread, or olive oil or tomatoes.
In the same way I've tried to leave the skin of Anna as natural as possible, without make up while shooting and without too much retouching.
Both her eyes were red on that day, possibly for the wind, so I'm trying to attenuate this effect in all the pictures where it is evident but, apart from that and small skin blemishes, I'm leaving her alone.
By the way, few days ago I've seen a story on her IG account about her Birthday, so I guess she's now officially 19 YO.

Whilst shooting, I noticed Anna was frequently touching the piercings on her nipples, and I asked why.
She told me it is a quirk of her, checking the presence of any skin flakes or other debris on the piercings and getting them clean.
I found this habit fascinating, and asked her to perform it for me on camera.
I wonder if you're going to find it as fascinating as I did, with the slightly twisted nipple...

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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