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I always like experimenting, with new models, new camera gear, new locations...

This is Stelladiplastica in November 2020, on our second shooting 4 years after the first one (the very first introductory photoshoot to my entire project way back in November 2016).
The camera was the debatable Fujifilm X100V, and the location was the house in Merate.

On March the 19th I will be shooting in Limbiate, in a new, special and expensive location made on purpose for photography, with studio and thematic rooms to choose from + a selection of natural or artificial light sources.
This may become a good place to shoot in Winter time, if it makes sense to invest so much for a location, so I have to explore it with attention.
But I will also have to pay some attention to the new model that brought me there, a young black girl I will meet for the first time, shy but providing just the minimum amount of exposure I require from my models.
So yes, this new model is not going to wear panties like Stelladiplastica required, and I believe she's going to look awesome!

I love experimenting 😊

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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