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I bought this car when it was 10 years old, and had it for the next 20 years.
It is old and battered now, but still soldiering on.

Some weeks ago I was worried because the engine was not running smoothly as usual, and I was preparing myself for the worst.
Before taking it to my mechanic, I filled up in my usual petrol station, and the engine started to work flawlessly as usual.

Thinking back, the problems had started when I filled up in an unusual and cheap petrol station, and I suspect the fuel must have been faulty.
One of my friend confirmed that also the diesel from that station gave him similar problems on his car.
As soon as my regular fuel started to clean up the system on the MX5, the car returned to its former glory.

It is a good news also for the BramleyApple project, because this is the taxi I use to get the girls from Milan, or to reach them wherever they are.
As far as I remember, this it also featured inside the pictures, and Ania is a great start!

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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