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I have to be careful not to fuck it up with the skin color of this beautiful new Apple!
I desired a darker skinned model for a long time, and Sailys is the darker so far, but in most of the pictures of her I saw around the web, she appeared to have a regular caucasian complexion, bleached by Photoshop enthusiast photographers.
In the flesh (so to speak) she has a decisive dark color I really want to transpire from my pictures.
This is why I’m choosing a frame from this sequence to present her to you.

In the Merate house cellar she was wearing these white shoes that are perfect to measure the flash+ambient light temperature on, but this accuracy is not enough if you mess up with the exposure...
I believe with this photo I managed to reproduce exactly what my memory recalls, with a hint of pitch black shadows in her hair, and still plenty of details on the shoes highlights.
I know it is no product photography, but I want it to be a faithful representation of the last stunning addition to the Bramley Apple project anyway.

It has been a rainy day in Merate yesterday, and light levels were very low.
Temperature were pretty low outside, but inside the walls were still preserving some heat from the past week, especially in the basement.
Upstairs we had to use the electric heater for her comfort and relaxation.

I’m afraid the shooting season in Merate is over, but the location has been exploited to the full in 2022!

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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