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After having prepared this picture especially for my community on Patreon, I realised you haven't seen the back of this girl, not yet!
This is because her eyes are so captivating that I forget about showing you the rest of her body.
I promise next time I will select a different side of the body to show you but, in the mean time, let us loose ourself in these incredible pair of eyes... once more.

As my shooting on Sunday with Annalisa was cancelled, I went with my wife to cool down on the mountains (see the third picture).
This is the Passo San Marco, the highest point we reached, just shy of 2,000 meters above sea level, and the temperatures were much more pleasant up there.
This is the same bike I used during the shooting with Manya in Merate.
On the way back the Kawasaki W650 gave some mechanical problems in the town of San Pellegrino (famous worldwide for the mineral water), and stopped another 5 times before reaching home.
I guess it is a battery fail, but fortunately this is an old school bike provided with a kickstarter as a backup, and I always managed to bring it back to life each time.
It was a pleasant change from my regular Sunday shootings, but a tiresome adventure just the same 😅

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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