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The skin of Sophy is very sensitive and it shows signs of the slightest provocation.
During the shooting we passed from her hotel room to mine, and she had to put something on to walk in the corridors.
As soon as she entered my room she undressed again, but her trouser's elastic managed to leave a mark on the skin of her belly, you can clearly spot it in this picture if you zoom in.

I've started to appreciate these small details of late, because they make my pictures much more genuine and real.
This kind of detailed photography is not "digital" any more, I would rather call it "tactile".

This Sunday, as my shooting was cancelled, i had the time to extract the selected pictures shot with Sophy from Lightroom, so she has reached the long retouching phase... more of her coming soon! 

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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