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I was not going to take the Fujifilm X100V for yesterdays shooting, I was just too lazy to late to take it back in the house as i forgot it in the car.
It is such a light camera, that it doesn't make much difference inside my heavy backpack.
But I was not supposed to make these kind of horror pictures with £lisandra, I was supposed to leave the idea for Annalisa's shooting next week...
But, when I saw this bathroom, I couldn't resist trying out the idea with £lisandra.
The fake blood was ideal for the horror movie nightmare idea I had in mind, and the film simulations provided with by Fujifilm inside the camera are perfect to complete the visual appeal.

Both of us were very tired after the shooting, the model did follow my advise and slept in the car all the way back to Milano, to recover before her night out.
We shot approximately 1,160 pictures in 3 hours (no wonder in the end she was asking me how many pictures I usually make during a shooting...)
After having securely stored all the pictures and videos in 3 different places, I just had enough energy to extract this image directly from the X100V camera (I'm so tired that colour and BW are not the same file), with no retouching, and schedule it for you on Patreon.

It's a hard work, but somebody has to do it ;)

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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