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No, I haven't forgotten about Sophy, the first shooting of this incredible month of May.
She is still in the library module of my Lightroom, but this picture was prepared some time ago, just to keep your interest alive...

By the way, I loved having done so many shootings in one month, but don't get used to this pace...
This was the month during which I had to catch up the slack accumulated in the first quarter of the year (just 2 shootings), at the end of May I can relax with 7 shootings in the bag, maybe do 1 or 2 every month, and start working on all the material I have in hand, otherwise you're never going to see all these pictures!!!

Surely Sophy's shooting is going to be one of the first I'm going to tackle 😉

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com




I certainly have not forgotten Sophy, what a glorious view 😍


The interest is still alive :) Thanks for the Sophy picture and the update.