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I still remember when I was complaining about Cristiana because she couldn't keep still for long enough to focus with my elaborate system.
I have to zoom in the electronic viewfinder, focus manually until I see a hint of red marking in the eye from the focus peaking, zoom out, recompose and take the shot.

During our first shooting I was desperate, because she was unable to stand still for long enough but, as time got on and shooting after shooting she must have tuned in my needs.
This picture is from our last shooting in Milano, shot with one of the most critical and clinical focusing lens I have, the Contax-Zeiss Planar T* 100mm f2, used at f2.8.

If you zoom in the picture and look at the detail of the nearest eye and how sharp it is compared to the rest of the picture, you can see the focus is just spot on!
And this is not only down to my technique, but also to the ability of Cristiana to keep still for long enough!
The more you work with a model, the more you tune in with her and vice versa.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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