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I'm very happy about my last shooting, because of the beautiful new model, and also because I finally went back to my role of creator.
Most of the times I am just a curator of my huge Archive, but it is only when I'm shooting that I'm really creating.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy also selecting, editing and retouching the pictures, or sharing my work on social media, even if it is just a by-product of my creation.
Although the biggest challenge is the actual shooting!

While shooting this picture I was still warming up, metabolising all the problems we had for the hotel room, and getting to know the model and my surroundings.
This photo was shot on the terrace of her room, I hope you like the strong color of this wall, because you're going to see it in more pictures, and the daylight was perfect.

It was a slow start, and I only got truly inspired by and in tune with the model during the second half of the shooting, once we went in my own room.
I was shooting less frantically, showing some of the pictures to Sophy from the back of my Leica, and exchanging opinions on what was going on.
These are the brief magical moments I really learned to care about, even more than the photos I record in my camera.
However good you can believe my pictures to be, I feel privileged because I can add to them another layer: my memories of the day concerning the interaction with a beautiful creature.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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