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I know it is early, but I'm already preparing the gear to take with me for the shooting scheduled for the 1st of May.
We will be in a hotel room so space will be tight, I'll have to rely on shorter lenses.
Also light might be an issue, so I will take a flash, just in case.
The model is on the expensive side, young and perfect, so I need reliable and well proven lenses (no experiments this time, I can't afford to screw it up!)
The selected lenses are all Leica Summicron-M: 35mm, 50mm, 90mm, all capable of exploiting the full potentials of this special girl.
Ideally I will use mainly the Leica SL2-S in available light, but I will be ready to switch to the Leica M240 with the Prophoto A1 flash if the available light is not enough.

I will take also the Lumix S1 and the new Sigma 35mm autofocus for backstage videos (I'm neglecting these videos like usual, but I'm still shooting them...)

I have used a similar lens set up for the shooting with Kiki, and it worked fine, I hope to have enough room to make some shots with the 90mm lens, like the one you can see today.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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