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The sensor in my last camera, the Leica SL2s, is a backside illuminated technology unit, and should be particularly capable in low light situations, where you are compelled to use high ISO settings.
So in the last shooting with Cristiana I did a torture test for the Leica and tried this picture at 12,500 ISO, with no noise reduction applied.
Also the SL2s can't do miracles, and the quality of the picture is not impressive, but it is still way better than what I could get with the old Leica M240 at 3,200 ISO settings.

The sensors are really improving, of course not as fast or as much as they want us to believe, but I'm happy to have a new camera that can help me to work even with very low light.
The bottom line is: always try to work in a good and strong light if you want to obtain the best quality pictures!

But, if the light is not strong nor good, don't stop shooting, because you can still make some interesting pictures, like this one of Cristiana's backside illuminated.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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