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Stella (the brand new model from Sunday's shooting) would have been my ideal girl when I was very young, I always worshipped females looking like angels, with long hair and blue eyes, especially when they felt cold and detached.
Later on, I started to turn towards more mediterranean beauties with some sex appeal, particularly from when I started photographing nudes again in 2016.
Stella may not be my ideal girl nowadays, but I was happy to dust off my old fantasies!

Now back to the Leica SL2s + the Summicron 90mm and the magic they create in combination.
This picture, for example, is not at all perfect: I have fight against a weird color cast (and I'm not sure I won), nothing really sharp (although it is not blurred), but it feels organic.
I can't say I like the picture, because it has some flaws, but I find it fascinating, and this Leica signature might grow on me in the future.
After all I should learn to accept the artistic side of the craft, and relax my grasp on technical perfection.

Today I will post a photo of Stella also on my regular social media feed, to present her to the general public, you may want to have a look at that interpretation also, which is more consistent with my usual severe and realistic approach.

If you have any question about Bramley Apple Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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