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I'm very happy about my Voigtländer Nokton 58mm f1.4 SL II lens, but I confess I'm not using it at the maximum aperture...
I did the first time, with Martina, for few pictures, but never done since (as far as I remember).
This is an example of the widest aperture at work, surely moody and appealing, but somehow I'm not content with having only a paper thin slice of Martina in focus.

Possibly a pure portrait would be a different matter, but for a nude, I prefer to close the lens down. 

I think widest apertures are overrated, but I also think that as soon as you close down a couple of stops a good quality lens, you are really getting incredible results (and a more reasonable quantity of the subject in focus).
Surely a lens like this is the most flexible, because you can choose the aesthetic effect you are after at the moment, and you can work in the darkest conditions if required to, as an emergency measure.



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