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No backstage videos, no slo motion, no secret album: when I shoot with Manya (https://www.instagram.com/manyamuse/) I have to follow her own rules…

But for her I am happy to do so, because I know she is giving me soo much in return.

She accepted to try some picture on the motorbike, even if this was clearly hard for her.

The last year was painful for her work (more than for most of us) and now she is happy to be back in business and travelling abroad.
I believe she is one of the best art models I’ve ever worked with, and it is hard to take a picture of her which doesn’t turn out to be a masterpiece.
Last time we met was in December, the apartment was cold, her skin was covered in goosebumps, and her nipples were shrunken; but this time it was a hot day and her body was full of life and particularly attractive.

This photo was not retouched at all and she was wearing no makeup, I would like to claim this as a product of my talent, but actually it is just her magic.

Please, show her some love!



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