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What about having two!

We got to play with some mirrors during the shooting on Tuesday afternoon.

Don’t know why, but I’m always so exited at the prospect of shooting with Martina…
Well, honestly I know why, we go along very well together and the outcome it is never disappointing, as soon as we have finished I can’t wait to work on the pictures!

During our second or third shooting together I was saying to her that if I had to pick a single model for the rest of my live (assuming she would always stay the same) it would be her.
She would be my ideal desert island model.
And that statement was not an exaggeration, if you think that nowadays I’m working mainly with her…
I’m exceedingly happy about our 13th shooting and the spotlight I took with me was really helpful in adding and controlling the light in a pretty dark apartment; I have already ordered the powerful modern led version of this lamp to take with me on my next shootings!



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