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Stelladiplastica's body is an incredible machine, even if her professional workout had to be stopped in March due to Covid-19.
No more public performances, no more dance lessons, but she is still fit and impressive (you will see her belly in other photos... I wish mine was looking as flat and sculpted).
The lockdown might have shortened her career as a dancer of at least a couple of years, and she is now faced with the necessity to earn a living in all new ways.
Stella has now reached a peak of physical beauty with the most complex decoration of her body to date, and I'm grateful for having had the chance to witness this moment in her life with my camera.

Models are expensive, but you have to understand their careers in this field are limited by time, and they have to prepare a plan B to keep working for the rest of their life.

On Saturday I extracted all the pictures of Stella from Lightroom and I have started the retouching.

This chimney is part of the new location I have available near my house, it belongs to my wife's family, not sure how long will it last, but it is a great opportunity and I'm planning to use it a lot in the following months.



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